How DO we make society bigger?
Bladen, C (2009) Towards An Olympic Volunteering Legacy Bladen, C (2009) Towards An Olympic Volunteering Legacy. Proceeds of the 2008 People, place, enterprise: the olympic legacy conference, University of Greenwich, November. Bladen, C (2010) 'Media representation of volunteers at the Beijing Olympic Games', Sport in Society, 13: 5, 784 — 796 Bladen, C, Kennell J et al (2011) Events Management: An Introduction. Routledge (Forthcoming). Cuskelly, G., Hoye, R. et al (2006) Working with volunteers in sport: theory and practice. London: Routledge. The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Limited (2008) The Volunteer Programme. Available at: http://www.london2012.com/get-involved/volunteering/the-volunteer-programme.php (Accessed: 14 November 2008).