Michelangelo Buonarroti (self portrait)
Michelangelo Born in Caprese, Italy, outside of Florence, on March 6,1475 Thought to be the greatest artist who ever lived: sculptor, painter, architect, etc. Died in Rome on February 18,1564, at the age of 89
Early Years After he was born his mother was too ill to care for him, so he lived with a stone-mason's family until he was 10 years old. As a child, he was always surrounded by chisels and stone. He joked that this was why he loved to sculpt. His mother died when he was 6. His childhood was lacking in affection, and he retained a taciturn (bad) disposition his whole life.
Michelangelo: His beginnings in Art (Battle of the Centaurs, done when he was only 16 years old) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6ON7F4Wn4k His father was angered at the fact that Michelangelo wanted to be an artist. However, at age 13, he went to study under professional painters and sculptors. Michelangelo's work caught the attention of the wealthy and powerful art patron Lorenzo de Medici. Medici invited him to come work in Florence. He was now paid to create his art.
Michelangelo as a Sculptor Michelangelo in his heart considered himself a sculptor first, a painter second. He was happiest and most proud of his sculpting works. Between 1492 and 1505 Michelangelo completed two of his most famous stone works...The Pieta (1498-1499) and David (1501-1504).
The Pieta Created for St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, Rome. It can still be seen there today, and is the only work that Michelangelo ever signed. (Michel Angelus Bonarotus Florent Facibat) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOCfryMkfEM
David His most famous sculpture, it resides in the Accademia museum in Florence, Italy Carved out of a single slab of stone, the statue is 14.24 ft tall From the Biblical story of David and Goliath, it was meant to symbolize the heroic courage of the people of Florence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_u8LDXhFzPo
Michelangelo and his painting He primarily used a technique called Fresco (fresh). Fresco is painting with water based pigment (coloring powder) onto a layer of plaster that is still wet. When the plaster dries, the color becomes a permanent part of the finished surface. Fresco was perfected in Italy during the 14th century and was used by many Renaissance artists. The most famous fresco painting was Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel in Rome.
The Sistine Chapel Commissioned by Pope Julius ll to sculpt a tomb, but project was switched to painting the chapel ceiling instead He was given carte blanche, and painted his vision of the Old Testament stories in 9 large rectangular panels. Contains approx. 400 life size figures, over a space of 5600 square feet Painted on his back, using custom scaffolding 59 feet above the floor Completed between 1508-1512. He said of the work, “After 4 tortured years, I felt as old and as weary as Jeremiah. I was only 37, yet friends did not recognize the old man I had become.”
The Creation of Adam Depicts God the father creating Adam, the first man and was amongst the last panels to be completed, telling the story of Genesis.
The focal point of this painting of the Creation of Adam is the contact between the fingers of God and those of Adam, through which the breath of life is transmitted. By not painting the fingers of God and Adam touching and leaving a small space between the two, Michelangelo creates a tingling feeling as you anticipate them finally touching. Publicity poster for the film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial was modeled after the painting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVK04ORmKrE
The Last Judgement Took 4 years to paint, painted about 30 years after the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was finished https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofBvFQ_e CkA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofBvFQ_eCkA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofBvFQ_eCkA
He is buried in Santa Croce Cathedral, in Florence Italy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvcWue49cIg Michelangelo suffered permanent back and eye injuries from his 4 years of painting the ceiling of the Sistine chapel. His major works in his later years include the Tomb of Julius II, the dome and altar area of St. Peter’s Basilica, and The Last Judgment fresco Michelangelo continued to sculpt, paint and design buildings up until his death in 1564. He is buried in Santa Croce Cathedral, in Florence Italy.