Solo mission operations Sylvain Lodiot SOWG 10, ESAC 12/07/2017
Instrument state model status Instrument procedure status MIB database Outline MOC Status Open points from SOWG 9 Instrument state model status Instrument procedure status MIB database Instrument commissioning EDDS/GFTS
MOC Status MCS D3 (final) October 2017 MPS D3 (final) April 2017 Migration to ops lan Feb 2018 (L-12m) Simulator D2 (closed loop) July 2017 Simulator D3 (final) December 2017 SVT0 (PFM) 29/30 August 2017 Other SVTs/IGSTs TBC SVT1 (PFM) Feb-May 2018 L-12m - L-9m FOP issue 1 Dec 17 (SVT 1 -2m)
Open Points from SOWG 9 Commanding Guidelines: TCs with Group repeaters All issues have been addressed PDOR tool The Bepi PDOR tool will not be made available for Solo Instrument teams need to be able to provide PDORs directly to MOC This IF (PI -> MOC) will be tested with every single PI
Instrument procedure inputs (from SOWG 9) At SOWG 9, MOC and SOC insisted big time on the need for inputs from the instrument teams Progress has nevertheless been very slow New approach initiated by MOC Define instrument state models satisfying MOC and SOC needs This is needed for MOC MPS (power, mode transitions) This allows to derive which (routine/planning) procedures are needed Next slides report status of: State models Routine/planning procedure inputs Engineering/contingency procedures
Instrument state model status MOC eng Instrument Status JLP EUI No news since 23/06/17, HV to be added? STIX Pending confirmation of final model from 28/06 HV to be added? MP SPICE Done, HV included pending power figures, due date was 16/06 EPD Done, pending HV DL SWA SOLO-HI New proposal sent 01/06/17, no news since ME PHI New model to come; no news MAG Done SL METIS No news since 20/06/17, HV to be added? RPW Need to converge on state model ASAP
Instrument nominal/planning procedure status MOC eng Instrument Comments JLP EUI Need to converge on state model/work on procs ASAP STIX Procedure inputs expected 28/06, no news MP SPICE Procedure inputs expected by end July EPD Work on MP now; may run in SVT0 DL SWA Only example procedures provided, no complete set SOLO-HI Work on DL now; may run in SVT0 ME PHI MAG Procedure inputs expected end June, no news SL METIS Some input provided months ago; mapping to new state model pending; significant work still RPW Some input provided last week. Link to state model missing; further work required
Instrument engineering/CRP status MOC eng Instrument Status JLP EUI STIX MP SPICE EPD DL SWA SOLO-HI ME PHI MAG SL METIS RPW
MIB database (1) ADS format is SIS/SRDB MOC can provide instrument specific SIS extracts if required All MOC tools work in MIB format (MIB ICD 6.9) SIS is converted to MIB format (MIB ICD 6.2) MOC then performs MIB fine tuning as needed Differences between ICD 6.2 and 6.9 known and minor Will be handled by fine tuning if needed MIB ASCII files are sent to SOC This will be via GFTS when available SOC passes on the ASCII files to the instrument teams
MIB database (2) Latest database provided on 28/06/2017 is derived from MAS 4.45
Commissioning MOC work will start towards the end of 2017 (JLP coordinating) Target is to have an advanced timeline in FOP issue 1 Work will start from the inputs already available to MOC Teams will be contacted individually
EDDS/GFTS Both systems will be installed around L-12m MOC GFTS Files will be pushed/pulled by MOC from various in and out-trays MOC EDDS; MOC will need: IP addresses (as seen from outside your firewall, if any) SFTP username used to deliver EDDS responses Contact information (full name, phone, email, company name)