Xerox Bearing Tester Final Project Review Kevin [1]
Project Team and Stakeholders Customer Erwin Ruiz Technical Specialist Project Manager Xerox Corporation Guide William Nowak Principle Engineer Faculty Consultant Jason Kolodziej RIT ME Faculty Project Team Stephen Rugg Project Manager Will Craig Co-lead Engineer Andrew Shuman Co-lead Engineer Kevin Albino Team Facilitator/Project Engineer Lauren Kaczor Project Engineer Tyler Hill Project Engineer Lauren
Project Background There are 2 Bearings in the iGen Printer System supporting the fuser roller Every 200,000 prints the fuser roller assembly comes in for remanufacturing Bearing is reused a maximum of 4 times Currently, there is no quantitative test to qualify bearings Potentially leads to many good bearings being scrapped Customer wishes to use the machine as a design tool Lauren
Updated Customer Needs Lauren
Specifications Lauren
System Assembly Andrew
Machining Manual Machining CNC Machining Motor Block Mandrels (press and slip fit) Arbor press fixtures Clamp attachment Clamp frame CNC Machining Clamp bore Andrew
Data Acquisition Designed a signal conditioner to power accelerometers Pairs with NI 6210 DAQ DAQ outputs accelerometer readings and motor speed Steve
LabVIEW Steve Plots of raw data and FFT Display RMS values
Testing Performed 10+ MSAs Refined SOP Passed MSA using 3 bearings and 7 operators Will
Data RMS between 0.1 and 0.7 g’s 13 ranges of resolution Will RMS between 0.1 and 0.7 g’s 13 ranges of resolution Differentiate ±0.025 g Acoustic machine passed all “good” and “bad” bearings
Budget Overall Budget - $1500-$3000 Final Cost Breakdown Data Collection $760.46 Physical Structure $602.91 Shipping $75.66 Total $1439.03 Tyler
Recommendations-Operations Establish pass/fail threshold for bearings Send a range of bearing to Arnprior Further automate process Use motor controller with computer input Purchase new signal conditioner Remove second accelerometer and drop down rails Tyler
Recommendations - Hardware Make bearing clamp out of steel Enlarge dowel pins Hardened shaft Second press-fit mandrel Larger arbor press
What We Learned Concept selection process The importance of backup plans LabVIEW Signal Processing Machining Measurement system analysis Teamwork Team management Tyler
Thank You! Xerox Bill Nowak Erwin Ruiz Dr. Kolodziej Dr. Boedo Dr. Ghoneim RIT Machine Shop-Rob Kraynik, Dave Hathaway, Jan Maneti MSD Lab