Benefit Open Enrollment 2013-14 Plan Year
You Spoke, We Listened… We conducted an extensive benefit survey earlier this year in March We had over 100 respondents We learned some interesting information about our opinions on the current benefit menu and what our team would like to see going forward!
Somewhat Dissatisfied How do you feel about the out-of-pocket cost to you (premium, deductibles and/or co-pay amounts)? Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied 16.83% (17) 46.54% (47) 23.76% (24) 12.87% (13)
The following are criteria for choosing a health benefit plan The following are criteria for choosing a health benefit plan. Please rank them in the order of most importance to you.
Would you choose less comprehensive health care coverage (i. e Would you choose less comprehensive health care coverage (i.e. higher deductibles, co-pays, out-of-pocket expenses) if it meant paying a lower premium? Definitely Yes Probably Yes Probably Not Definitely Not 6.00% (6) 18.00% (18) 49.00% (49) 27.00% (27) 76%
Would you choose more comprehensive health care coverage (i. e Would you choose more comprehensive health care coverage (i.e. lower deductibles, co-pays, out-of-pocket expenses) if it meant paying a higher premium? Definitely Yes Probably Yes Probably Not Definitely Not 19.00% (19) 46.00% (46) 30.00% (30) 5.00% (5) 65%
Plan that has lower deductibles, co-pays, out-of-pocket expenses Health insurance plans can be designed to emphasize different features of the plan. Please rank the importance of the following 5 items. (‘1’ being the most important, and ‘5’ being the least important) 1 – Most Important 2 3 4 5 – Least Important Number of Respondents Plan that protects your family against very large, catastrophic medical expenses 33.00% (33) 13.00% (13) 21.00% (21) 11.00% (11) 22.00% (22) 100 Plan that rewards employees (cost less) for having a healthy lifestyle 4.00% (4) 20.00% (20) 19.00% (19) 34.00% (34) 23.00% (23) Plan that has lower or no employee contributions 12.25% (12) 15.31% (15) 20.41% 22.45% 29.59% (29) 98 Plan that has lower deductibles, co-pays, out-of-pocket expenses 32.67% 22.77% 19.80% 18.81% 5.94% (6) 101 Plan that provides freedom of choice for physicians, hospitals and other health care providers 17.82% (18) 28.71% 13.86% (14) 20.79%
So, based upon employee feedback, what’s changing beginning 7/1/13? Current Benefit Offerings: New Benefit Offerings: Cigna HSA Cigna Clinic Plan Cigna HMO United Health Care HSA No more clinics United Health Care HMO (NEW) United Health Care PPO buy-up option
What Stays the Same? Plan Year 2012-13 Plan Year 2013-14 (begins 7/1) Met Life Dental Avesis Vision Employer Paid Disability & Life Insurance Met Life Dental – same coverage and cost Avesis Vision – same coverage and cost Same Employer Paid Disability & Life Insurance Coverage (carrier change to Mutual of Omaha) EAP through Mutual of Omaha
Are there any added perks? Additional holiday for Thanksgiving 2013 for a total of 7 paid holidays! Friday, November 29th
Our commitment to healthy living… SMFBA wellness discount requirements – 3 conditions 1.) Must complete the Health Risk Assessment (on-line questionnaire) 2.) Must complete the biometric screening Will offer this on-site again for 2013 (July/August) 3.) Must be a non-smoker (certified via cotinine test)
The Health Care Cost Landscape… source: 2012 Kaiser Family Foundation Report
Average annual worker contribution (family coverage) for 2012 = $4,316 Average annual worker contribution (family coverage) for 2012 = $4,316.00 SMFBA Annual Worker Contribution: HSA = $0 HMO = $885.00 PPO Buy Up = $3,893.00
The bottom line…better benefits for less cost!
Who’s benefits eligible at SMFBA? First of the month following 60 days of employment with SMFBA… Must be a regular, full-time employee scheduled to work at least 32 hours per week… You and your dependents are eligible for group medical insurance coverage. Dependents include domestic partners.
About United Health Care…
UHC Navigate HMO Plan provides superior coverage in Arizona!
UHC Navigate HMO Plan provides superior coverage in Arizona!
New Medical Plan Details…
New Rx Plan Details…
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Login Website User Name First 6 Letters of last Name & last 4 of SSN Example: John Foodbank, SS# 567-89-1234 Foodba1234 Password 1234 Note: (Employer ID SMFB2428)
(Check spelling & birth date) What Next? Update your information Click on your name Edit/Update Change password (Check spelling & birth date) Add/Edit Spouse/Domestic Partner Add/Edit Dependents Proceed to My Benefits Note: Benefits Tool bar
Enroll in Benefits Quick Links (List) (Set-up) Medical HSA Dental Vision Etc.… (Set-up) Medical: United Health Care Manage Benefit Add or View Plan/Options Choose Plan Decline Benefit
Change Benefits (Same steps) Quick links or Scroll Down Manage Benefit Terminate Coverage Terminate Dependent
(Make sure info is correct) Almost finished… Summation Amount coming out of paycheck (click) Review & Finalize Recaps benefits Amount deducted from paycheck Family Members Beneficiaries (Make sure info is correct)
‘Click’ Agree to Above & Finalize My Selections
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Key Reminders… 1.) everyone MUST enroll! Even if you are presently NOT on any of our St. Mary’s Food Bank benefits, you must enroll in the three benefits we provide for all employees and cover 100% of the cost: Short Term Disability Long Term Disability Life Insurance (2x salary) 2.) Enrollment opens Monday, May 20th and closes Thursday, May 30th at midnight.
Questions? Thank you