2015 / 2016 “I was hungry and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger and you did not look after me. I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these; you did not do for me.” Jesus’ words, Matthew 25:41-45 CARDIFF
Our Vision We aim to fill in the gap in providing safety and refuge for those who do not have the option of temporary or permanent accommodation and continue to struggle with their cycle of homelessness and addiction. Our vision is to offer a safe, warm and secure place that is welcoming to anyone over the age of 18 who otherwise would be forced to sleep rough on the streets of Cardiff.
Reasons for being homeless
Cardiff Churches Emergency Nightshelter 2015-16 18th December 2015 to End Mar 16
Who is involved? Monday – Room 4 You@Grangetown Baptist Tuesday – TBA Wednesday – Tavs Centre – Tavistock St Thursday – Rhiwbina Baptist@ Calvary Friday – St Peters –St Peters St Saturday – City Temple Sunday - 7th Day Adventists
How do people get referred? Meet Pastor Dave behind M&S Existing Guests Church Members Local Community Purple Bus The Hub Street Pastors Prison service to Pastor Dave
Who is welcome? Anyone who: Is homeless or in insecure housing Failed/Asylum seekers Awaiting accommodation through the council Just out of Jail Has been ejected from their council accommodation NB: Booking system The existing guests need to reserve a place for the next night. This will be reserved until 8pm, after which it will be opened up to anyone else who shows up. Church Co-ordinators need to e mail ahead to the next church co-ordinator with the names of those on the list.
Who is NOT welcome? Couples wishing to share a bed Those with animals Violent behaviour Abusive behaviour Taking Alcohol or Drugs on the premises ICE: call 999
Rules For Guests No alcohol or drugs to be consumed in or around the premises. (We can label and look after bottles) No violent, threatening, racist or other anti-social behaviour/language No offensive weapons – Think about bag checks on entry. No smoking inside the building. Only in designated area No pets Place is lost if not personally reserved and at the venue each night by 8.00pm
Basic Rules for Volunteers Follow the Leader Health & Safety Use of Gloves Personal Safety Food Safety No Drugs or Alcohol Be vigilant at all times First Aid who is qualified/where is the kit Call 999 if in doubt
Rules for Volunteers Gloves on while handling bedding, cleaning and administering first aid Two Volunteers in a room with Guests at all times Men & Women sensitivity Ensure safe exit at all times No Hands in Bins -empty bins into bags by tipping If in doubt or difficulty – Dial 999
More tips for Volunteers Fellowship and fun – not 20 questions No giving Cash – do not bring it with you No mobile phone numbers- guard your privacy No addresses – e mail or personal – use the Church e-mail for contact No giving out medicine Careful on promises
Examples to Avoid Sharing pictures Allowing people to see family, friends and whole life Sharing pictures allowing someone to think there’s more to it What seems harmless to you may not be to others Volunteers putting what seemed like harmless pictures of them with guests out drinking A picture of a person that has been abused appearing on face book allowing perpetrator to find that person
Do Show kindness and hospitality Offer toiletries and spare clothing Help with paperwork/advocacy Offer to pray with folk if needed Listen and empathise Offer contact help and telephone numbers if needed
Dealing with difficult behaviour Drunk Loud and offensive Asleep or unconscious? Drugs? Possession Shooting up Selling Mental Health issues Stealing Violence Amorous
How the Nightshelter Runs (Tweak timings for your shelter) 6.15pm – arrive and set up 7.00 – open up for guests 8.00 – Dinner 8.45 – Fellowship, games etc 10.00 – Lights down– night shift arrive 10.15 – Night shift take over 6.45 – Breakfast team arrive 7.30 - Breakfast 8.30 – Clear up, clean down and close up 9.00 – Laundry to laundrette 9.30 – Usually finished
Log Book Date Name of volunteers on each shift Names of guests Any issues or comments Dietary requirements Provisions we need to get Confiscations/medications/incidents Bookings for the following night – e mail on Prayer requests
Homeless Provision in Cardiff Assessment at Tresillion House –The Hub Allocation & Signposting 30 Emergency beds at the Huggard Paradise Run Street Drinkers Specialist Support Healthcare
Admin DBS Checks – Church to arrange Rota’s – please sign up Catering – food hygiene & cooking Storage, clothing and culture Hand outs
Any Questions?