Pro Mujer Perú Programs for Women Puno - Peru
Loans and training to improve your business... Always thinking of you !!!
MISSION “The mission of Pro Mujer is to support women through a loan and training program that will contribute to their comprehensive development”
SOCIOECONOMIC/DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS 9th poorest Dept. at the national level. Peru’s 5th most populated Dept. Dept. that drives out the population. Insufficient basic service infrastructure. Limited labor market offering. 80.6% of Puno’s population has reached a study level that makes it the country’s most backward. Migration from the country to the city.
WHAT DO WE DO? COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM OF LOANS AND ... Training in Health and Human Development Training in Business Development Services for children
OUR IDEAL TARGET POPULATION Lives in marginal urban areas of the Department of Puno Lives in the same neighborhood Women 18 – 45 years of age Has DNIs (National Identification Documents) Women are family breadwinners Demographic Punctual Groups of 25 members in each Community Association (A.C.) Honest Motivating and dutiful women Women who comply with PM and A.C. rules. Women who are identified with PMP Behavior Has small businesses Women with some business experience Women with no credit history Has a business in the same area. Economic activity
WHO ARE OUR CUSTOMERS? PRO MUJER PERU CUSTOMER 99.9% are women (only 12 of the 16 thousand members are men). 68.8% are between the ages of 20 and 40 on average. 50% speak Spanish only and the other 50% speak Spanish and Aymara or Quechua. 4.7 % are illiterate. 42% have between 2 and 5 years of business experience and 22% have less than one year.
28% have businesses consisting of the preparation and peddling of meals; 18% make clothing; 11% sell groceries; and over 9% launder clothing. 66% perform two different economic activities during the year; 23% carry out three activities and 6% engage in up to four. 37% are peddlers; 30% work at home and 35% have stalls in the market. 40% have family incomes under US $ 138.00 a month; 39% earn between US $ 138.00 and US $ 277.00 ; and 18% make over US $ 277.00
44.7% of the households have between 3 and 4 members and 26% have from 5 to 6 members. 16% of the households are headed by women, 60% by men and in only in 14.8% is the household leadership shared. 80% live with a mate, while 20% are widows, divorcees and single women. Most of these women are self-employed peddlers whose business produces an income for their families.
Average groups of 25 persons
Internal and solidary organization
Target Centers Targetting
Disbursement Swearing in Swearing in of the Board of Directors of Laykakota A.C.
b) Signing of the Contract Member signing her loan contract.
c) Delivery of the Money Members perfuming with incense the money disbursed in order to make the business grow.
OBSTACLES /CONSTRAINTS Poor credit culture in the area. The cost of the loan includes taxes. Counterfeit money comes in over the border. Customers travel frequently. Resources for extending our services are in short supply.
RESULTS 455 Community Associations. 16,200 Members at present. Active portoflio of roughly US $ 1’000,000.00 Zero delinquency. Two financial products. US $ 600,000.00 in savings tapped. Average current loan per member amounts to US $ 70.00. Institution recognized Locally and Nationally. The Department of Puno´s Rural and Urban markets are interlinked.
IMPACT STUDY To have access to information at all times for internal policy design. To know the customer. To measure changes in the businesses over time.
CHALLENGES To create new financial products. To extend our markets to other Southern Departments. To monitor customers quantitatively and qualitatively using cutting edge technology. To modernize the Target Centers. To sensitize Banks to provide better service. To improve the financial and non-financial services. To provide business support services: Entrepreneurial Development. To achieve financial and operational sustainability.
VISION “By the year 2006, we want Pro Mujer Perú to have a strong presence in Southern Peru and to lead the country in microfinance and comprehensive training. To accomplish this, it will have an efficient, sound and sustainable organization that promotes personal, family and community development by strenthening its customers’ business skills and capabilities”
Puno: Ancient Culture Quechua and Aymara Comunity Solidary
Pro Mujer Perú Programs for Women Thank-you.