Reading at school and home
‘Being literate is like learning to ride a bike ‘Being literate is like learning to ride a bike. Once you learn how to read and write you never forget… It’s a gift for life.’ Anon
What is Reading? Decoding Understanding, selecting and finding information Deducing and inferring information Identifying features and commenting on organisation of the texts Understanding and commenting on the writers use of language. Understanding different viewpoints Relating information to real life – past and present.
The wonderful world of books At Newport Infants we teach all of these aspects through our 5 ‘Reading focus’, within our guided reading sessions. Decoding Using what the children know to read the words. Comprehension Identifying and finding evidence to support their understanding of the text. Making inferences, predicting and using their previous knowledge to understand the text. Reading Detective Responding to books Talking about what they read and relating it to real life experiences past and present. The wonderful world of books Recognising patterns, rhymes and themes and retelling stories.
Reading across School - Guided reading Phonics/spelling lessons – daily Independent/paired reading Shared reading Reading across the curriculum 1:1 reading with an adult (teacher/teaching assistant/parent helper) – at least once a week.
Department for Education According to.. Department for Education Children should be given opportunities to see the books they read prior to any questioning. Children gain more pleasure from reading if they are encouraged to read more independently or collaboratively with their peers! Reading: the next steps (D for E) 2015
In response… Offer of Reading Pre read of their guided book. Guided teach with adult – include some independent/ collaborative reading. Follow up activity – based on R.F.’s covered. Reading activity – Phonic investigation/free read of topic books/role play/ spelling activity. 5. Whole class guided read.
Why Guided Reading is so important? Children work in smaller groups along with children of similar ability. The adult supporting them has the opportunity to engage in a quality discussion about the text. Children are given the opportunity to share their decoding skills and also really think about the books they are reading. This way they delve beneath the surface of the words and explore the meaning.
According to D for E “…more children exceeded the expected level of reading for their age, as the number of books they read a month [at home] increased.” (2015)
As a result we investigated…. Home/ school links The reading survey revealed that some children are not being listened to read at home very often, which means children’s exposure to books becomes reduced! Implemented a new reading record that encourages parents to read by keeping a daily record of reading with their child and aids for more communication.
Reading record Allows: parents to record when/how often their child has read their guided reading book at home. Parents to make comments based on their child’s reading. Teachers to inform parents of the guided reading input and reading focus.
Reading for pleasure “The best way to promote reading is by instilling in children a passion for reading…. All reading makes a difference, but evidence suggests that reading for pleasure makes the most.” Reading: the next steps (D for E) 2015
How we encourage reading for pleasure? Reading corners New reading books Reading rockets Reading certificates – ‘Sun’ book Weekly visits to the school library. Story sacks Visit to Newport library. Pop up reading stations Celebrate ‘World Book Week’
How can you support your children? Introduce your children to different types of books; classic fiction, chapter books, short stories, joke books, poetry, comics or non-fiction. Read them the book that was your favourite. Read to them slowly, with expression. Follow the words and read the story using the pictures. Talk about what is happening and predict what might happen next. Re-read books to improve fluency and confidence.
Reading at Home – enjoy! Make reading visible; have books available in your home. Share books as often as you can and record it. Talk about books. Sit and listen - don’t do chores around the reader! Motivate using reading rockets! Be a great role model – read yourself!
Main thing! Read at home. Read both guided reading book regularly. Read a range of other books! Ask questions to encourage comprehension.
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