Skills paper: Fieldwork question
‘Mean velocity increases as hydraulic radius increases’ This is how we start Our hypotheses were…….. ‘Mean velocity increases as hydraulic radius increases’ ‘Stone size decreases with distance from source’ Aims (concept/process/ theory) On these pages Referring to your results, suggest how your enquiry could be improved Risk assessment Was it effective? Method of data collection Velocity WP X sec area Method of data presentation Scattergraphs Method of data analysis SRCC How did your investigation and the results of your investigation help you to gain an understanding of the topic /environment that you were studying?
Aims and Hypotheses The examiner expects references to key A Level textbooks. Your enquiry should come from the specification……. The book covers the specification so....we were testing a theory in David Waugh’s section on hydrology in his book ‘An Integrated Approach’ Also, there are some famous river models too – so we will reference one of these too. The Bradshaw Model.
Aims 1….. Aims…. Our general aim was to investigate the changes in characteristics and morphological processes of a local river’s channel over its long profile. “We were also interested to see if velocity does when hydraulic radius increases” due to a reduction in frictional losses. And ….we were investigating the extent to which the River Glass displayed the theoretical characteristics proposed in the Bradshaw Model. This tells us that as distance from source increases a number of changes should occur. We expect load to decrease in roughness with distance from source because it has been subject to more erosion over the long profile”
Or Aims 2 ……….. The aim of this investigation is to study the variations in a range of relationships that occur along the course of the long profile of the River Glass. We wanted to test out both our classroom theory and David Waugh’s textbook theory from ‘Integrated Geography’ to firstly see if the relationships proposed for efficiency were correct – that as HR increases so does speed and secondly to test Bradshaw’s Model concerning load roughness and distance from source – that the load becomes smoother the longer it has been in a river.