NTU Proposal to join CMS Tracker on Pixel Upgrade Phase I


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Presentation transcript:

NTU Proposal to join CMS Tracker on Pixel Upgrade Phase I Tracker Institution Board, July 22, 2010 Tai - Wan Univ. NTU Proposal to join CMS Tracker on Pixel Upgrade Phase I George W.S. Hou National Taiwan University

Group Composition Intended Contribution Expertise/Experience Plan Miscellaneous

Group Composition Assoc. Fell. UE Prof. Belle Anaylsis Coordinator Assist. Fell. 4th/UE Assoc. Prof. 4th Gen. Convenor, EXO * Prof. [former KTeV spokesperson Assist. Fell. ES/An Assist. Fell. ES [now more on Belle II Prof. [Belle Rare Convenor

Intended Contribution Interest: Join Pixel Phase I, form CERN/Taiwan Center (Duccio and Anna) for 1/3 (of 1216) module production (and further), 1M CHF in Consumables (5 year period), with Manpower to match. Preproposal filed 12/2009 to “Academic Summit” Initiative of NSC - Preproposal approved April 2010  Advance to Proposal 5-year Proposal filed mid-May - Approved at Natural Science Department of NSC on June 30 - Final approval by Minister of NSC on August 2 Dedicated trip to PSI (Roland) on May 6, with above scenario CERN-PSI-NTU video conference May 11, reach mutual understanding [contact with domestic mirco bump bonding capabilities started

Expertise/Experience EFC/Belle: Extreme Forward Calorimeter, 1995-1999 Full subdetector based on rad. hard BGO SVD2/Belle (Upgrade), 2000-2003 TTM (Trigger Timing Module) and flex pcb; Assembly ES/CMS, 2003-2009 System MotherBoards (all) for Preshower; Assemby Pixel/Belle II, 2007-2008 Joint R&D with KEK & Hawaii Pixel I/CMS, 2010 - CERN/Taiwan Center for 1/3 module production; Assembly

EFC of Belle 1996-99

TTM (Trigger Timing Module) Belle SVD2 Upgrade flexible pcb NTU Contribution TTM (Trigger Timing Module) SVD2 Completed 3/2003 Installed Summer 2003 500 lines in 2 cm (20 um pitch) FPGAs From 3-layers of SVD1 to 4-layers + Self-tracking

Join SVD2 Upgrade of Belle ∵ Extra Funding :) 2000-2002 1996-99

System MotherBoards for Preshower Paolo Bartalini Chin-Chi Wang Yuan Chao Rong-Shyang Lu 4 @ CERN ca. 11/2007 0 2006 Jing-Ge Shiu

System MotherBoards for Preshower 2004 – 2008 NSC $ Paolo Bartalini Chin-Chi Wang Yuan Chao Rong-Shyang Lu 4 @ CERN ca. 11/2007 0 2006 Jing-Ge Shiu

Preshower Assembly/Installation (3/2009) Installation at P5 First Dee Assembled Preshower on Endcap Cosmic Test Stand NCU NTU

New ! Plan Budget Manpower Schedule 1M CHF Consumables ⊕ Own Operation $ New Clean Room (for future development) Manpower ※ Rong-Shyang Lu [Paolo Bartalini] ⊕ ⋆ Ulysses Grundler (8/2010) ⋆ Tech. PD (9/2010) ∙ Assistant Students: ∙ You-Hao Chang (assigned) ∙ Charles Dietz (2011) … Schedule [follow Pixel I] de facto approved [5 yrs, extendable once Final approval: Minister ⇒ immediate execution New ! N.B. Sizable team still on ES

Miscellaneous ES/ECAL: Dave Barney (Deputy PM) informed; no problem w/ 0.25 FTE - Transfer of Expertise from Rong-Shyang Lu to students [Chia-Ming Kuo of NCU still around M&OB (current 17k CHF in ECAL; will reduce this a little) - When ES under construction, no direct M&OB ⇨ CAN THIS APPLY? NCU: Will not receive funds from this “Academic Summit” project - May seek to join forces with NTU by regular project in a couple of years

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