GCSE English Week 6
Next week is half term! Back on 2nd November
Today Writing a summary Narrative Write like the writer Structure and language
Paper 2 question 2 For paper 2 question 2 you will asked to SUMMARISE two pieces of text. What does this mean?
Writing a summary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5LC0rG6Zco Watch the clip carefully and summarise what happens in one paragraph
Write a summary Write a summary of a well known story (fairytale or film) Try not to give away any characters names.
Read through the text Summarise each paragraph into one sentence 6 paragraphs = 6 sentences
This text has a duel narrative What do you think this means?
Watch for the duel narrative https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzewQ66gsSc
Can you think of any other stories which have a duel narrative?
Write like the writer Anything you like Ideas! Think of a scenario where 2 characters are separate, then they meet. Ideas! Driver late for work, pedestrian Lost dog and owner Customer, sales person Two people getting ready for a date Anything you like
Structure of duel narrative Para 1- character 1 story Para 2- character 2 story Para 3- character 1 story Para 4- character 2 story Para 5- they meet This story must be in the 3RD person for it to work. If you can, make the characters very different (much like the boy and Jaws) Plan first! Write one sentence for each paragraph (summary)
language How does the language choices change when the boy is described and when the shark is described? Make two columns in your books and find words to describe the boy and the shark
Things to look for… Adverbs Adjectives The shark (he/she) Description of the 5 senses Repetition Imperatives
Writing PEE Think about why those devices are in the text What effect do they have on the reader? How does the style of writing change when the boy/ shark is being described See if you can explain it using PEE
structure How has the writer structured the text to interest you as the reader? Look at your notes from last week to help you.
Over half term… Write the story using the plan you have made REVISE language devices Read! See if you can write some PEE paragraphs for something you have read.