Pre-School Phonics Parent Workshop Ebony Johnson- EYFS Phonics and Reading Co-ordinator Tuesday 18th October 2016
Aims and Objectives Give you an understanding of how Phonics is taught in Pre- School Explain the aspects of Phase 1 Phonics Give you an idea of games or activities to do at home to help support the learning Answer any questions that you have regarding phonics and reading
Why is it important for the children? Phase 1 What is Phase 1? Why is it important for the children? Phase 1 is all about developing speaking and listening skills within the children before the letter names and sounds are introduced in Phase 2. This phase also helps children develop skills in sentence structure, speaking confidently and being able to have a conversation. There are 7 aspects within Phase 1 and these all involve activities in which children learn to listen to sounds, remember sounds and talk about sounds. They are designed to help children listen, enlarge their vocabulary, develop their speech, hear sounds in words and say sounds they can hear. We will now look at each aspect to show what is involved in them.
Aspect 1- Environmental Sounds Listening Walks Sound Lotto Describe it and Find it Favourite Sounds Enlivening Stories Noisy Objects This is to develop children’s listening skills and awareness of sounds within the environment. Listening Walks Sound Lotto Describe it and Find it Favourite Sounds Enlivening Stories Noisy Objects
Aspect 2- Instrumental Sounds These activities promote speaking and listening through the use of instruments. Features of conversation- turn taking, listening, responding Singing songs Animal Sounds
Aspect 3- Body Percussion Action songs Noisy Neighbour Helps to develop their awareness of sounds and rhythms which will help them to develop these skills for reading and the rhythm of words and sentences. Action songs Noisy Neighbour
Aspect 4- Rhythm and Rhyme Rhyming books Nursery Rhymes Rhyming Pairs I know a word Listening to the rhythm and rhyme in speech- will help to develop skills to help them with word families next year. Hat cat sat and spelling patterns etc Rhyming books- finishing the sentences Nursery Rhymes Rhyming Pairs I know a word
Aspect 5- Alliteration and Initial Sounds Play clip Talk about how this could be done at home with different objects I spy Sound Bag or Box- all objects same initial sound Mirrors
Aspect 6- Voice Sounds Oral blending and Segmenting- more advanced towards end of year- teacher led and focused to model to the children Sound story time- we’re going on a bear hunt, billy goats gruff etc
Aspect 7- Oral Blending and Segmenting Similar to aspect 6 with more focus on the children having a go and joining in Oral blending for jobs/chores in the home- time to go to the sh-o-p shop lets go to the p-ar-k park I spy variation
Letter Names and Sounds Sound of the Week Example of a Phonics lesson in Pre-school Activities to do at home Each week children will cover one letter in alphabetical order. The week will be focused on activities surrounding the letter to reinforce- they will focus on the sound but may have some activities involving the formation of the letter. Example lesson Activities that may be used in a pre school phonics lesson Find words beginning with the sound Help them to identify sounds and letters in their name Look for the letters in the environment
Song of Sounds
Fine Motor Skills and Writing At this age the muscles in the children’s hands are still not developed enough for writing even though they may be able to hold a pencil and write some letters. This is why it is very important for us to practice fine motor and pre writing skills. We focus on this during the recap week and make different shapes and lines we also provide independent activities during the other weeks that children are invited to come and have a go which they enjoy. These can also be done at home as well as practicing name writing with a capital letter to start and lower case for the rest of the name. Discuss pictures and pre writing shapes Threading Construction Cutting Play doh Cooking Gardening Finger paints Zips and buttons
Reading at Home Wordless Reading books Books at home Other reading activities Children benefit hugely from exposure to books from a young age. Enjoying and sharing books with you at home will help children see books as a source of pleasure and interest and this will motivate them to value reading in the future.
Handout and Questions Explain Hand out Information Any questions? Questionnaires