8.12 Chromosomes are matched in homologous pairs MEIOSIS AND CROSSING OVER 8.12 Chromosomes are matched in homologous pairs Somatic( all cells except egg and sperm) cells of each species contain a specific number of chromosomes Human cells have 46, making up 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes Chromosomes Centromere Sister chromatids Figure 8.12
8.13 Gametes have a single set of chromosomes Cells with two sets of chromosomes are said to be diploid Gametes are haploid, with only one set of chromosomes
At fertilization, a sperm fuses with an egg, forming a diploid zygote Repeated mitotic divisions lead to the development of a mature adult The adult makes haploid gametes by meiosis All of these processes make up the sexual life cycle of organisms
Multicellular diploid adults (2n = 46) Mitosis and development The human life cycle Haploid gametes (n = 23) Egg cell Sperm cell MEIOSIS FERTILIZATION Diploid zygote (2n = 46) Multicellular diploid adults (2n = 46) Mitosis and development Figure 8.13
8.14 Meiosis reduces the chromosome number from diploid to haploid Meiosis, like mitosis, is preceded by chromosome duplication (DNA replication) However, in meiosis the cell divides twice to form four daughter cells
In the first division, meiosis I, homologous chromosomes are paired While they are paired, they cross over and exchange genetic information The homologous pairs are then separated, and two daughter cells are produced
MEIOSIS I: Homologous chromosomes separate INTERPHASE PROPHASE I METAPHASE I ANAPHASE I Centrosomes (with centriole pairs) Microtubules attached to kinetochore Sites of crossing over Metaphase plate Sister chromatids remain attached Spindle Nuclear envelope Chromatin Sister chromatids Tetrad Centromere (with kinetochore) Homologous chromosomes separate Figure 8.14, part 1
Meiosis II is essentially the same as mitosis The sister chromatids of each chromosome separate The result is four haploid daughter cells
MEIOSIS II: Sister chromatids separate TELOPHASE I AND CYTOKINESIS TELOPHASE II AND CYTOKINESIS PROPHASE II METAPHASE II ANAPHASE II Cleavage furrow Sister chromatids separate Haploid daughter cells forming Figure 8.14, part 2
8.15 Review: A comparison of mitosis and meiosis For both processes, chromosomes replicate only once, during interphase
PARENT CELL (before chromosome replication) Site of crossing over MITOSIS MEIOSIS PARENT CELL (before chromosome replication) Site of crossing over MEIOSIS I PROPHASE PROPHASE I Tetrad formed by synapsis of homologous chromosomes Duplicated chromosome (two sister chromatids) Chromosome replication Chromosome replication 2n = 4 Chromosomes align at the metaphase plate Tetrads align at the metaphase plate METAPHASE METAPHASE I ANAPHASE I TELOPHASE I ANAPHASE TELOPHASE Sister chromatids separate during anaphase Homologous chromosomes separate during anaphase I; sister chromatids remain together Haploid n = 2 Daughter cells of meiosis I 2n 2n No further chromosomal replication; sister chromatids separate during anaphase II MEIOSIS II Daughter cells of mitosis n n n n Daughter cells of meiosis II Figure 8.15
Each chromosome of a homologous pair comes from a different parent 8.16 Independent orientation of chromosomes in meiosis and random fertilization lead to varied offspring Each chromosome of a homologous pair comes from a different parent Each chromosome thus differs at many points from the other member of the pair
The large number of possible arrangements of chromosome pairs at metaphase I of meiosis leads to many different combinations of chromosomes in gametes Random fertilization also increases variation in offspring
Two equally probable arrangements of chromosomes at metaphase I POSSIBILITY 1 POSSIBILITY 2 Two equally probable arrangements of chromosomes at metaphase I Metaphase II Gametes Combination 1 Combination 2 Combination 3 Combination 4 Figure 8.16
8.17 Homologous chromosomes carry different versions of genes The differences between homologous chromosomes are based on the fact that they can carry different versions of a gene at corresponding loci
C E C E C E c e c e c e Coat-color genes Eye-color genes Brown Black White Pink Tetrad in parent cell (homologous pair of duplicated chromosomes) Chromosomes of the four gametes Figure 8.17A, B
8.18 Crossing over further increases genetic variability Crossing over is the exchange of corresponding segments between two homologous chromosomes Genetic recombination results from crossing over during prophase I of meiosis This increases variation further
Tetrad Chaisma Centromere Figure 8.18A
How crossing over leads to genetic recombination Coat-color genes Eye-color genes How crossing over leads to genetic recombination Tetrad (homologous pair of chromosomes in synapsis) 1 Breakage of homologous chromatids 2 Joining of homologous chromatids Chiasma Separation of homologous chromosomes at anaphase I 3 Separation of chromatids at anaphase II and completion of meiosis 4 Parental type of chromosome Recombinant chromosome Recombinant chromosome Parental type of chromosome Figure 8.18B Gametes of four genetic types