C&G Level 2 Award, Certificate and Diploma in Floristry Colour Harmonies Temperature, luminosity, harmony & contrast Advancing, receding & achromatic colours C&G Level 2 Award, Certificate and Diploma in Floristry Gaynor Couturier
Temperature Advancing colours Receding colours (warm colours) reds, oranges, yellows etc. Receding colours (cold colours) – blues, purples etc. Temperature
Achromatic colours (neutral) These are colours of weak chroma (purity or intensity of colour) e.g. black, beige, white, stone and grey Within a colour harmony Green may be considered to be neutral.
Luminosity Yellow is the most luminous chromatic colour whilst violet is the least Some colours show up far more than others. A colour that is luminous is bright. This is important when placing flowers in a venue where the lighting is not good.
Harmony & contrast Harmony is something that is pleasing to the eye. It engages the viewer and it creates an inner sense of order, a balance in the visual experience.
cont. When making a design the surroundings are an important consideration. For a floral arrangement the décor and background against which it is to be placed needs to be noted.