Primary Newsletter – Friday 6th October 2017 CHANGES TO THE START OF THE DAY We are constantly looking for ways to improve teaching and learning in the Primary Phase. I am currently looking at ways to make optimum use of learning time and I feel that we could tighten up the morning routine by getting the children inside to their desks a lot more efficiently without spending valuable time waiting in line. Therefore from Monday we will be trying something different. For children in Year 3, 4 ,5 and 6, we will be opening the upstairs door five minutes earlier, so rather than wait in line outside, children can go straight to class to complete their early morning work. Children must wait outside in the usual place until a member of the Senior Leadership Team opens the door and invites them in. The courtyard will be supervised from 8.20am, and in a bid to encourage independence in children, you are free to leave your children (in years 3, 4 , 5 and 6) after they enter the gate. Any messages for class teachers in the morning need to be passed on via the main reception desk. For Bumblebee, Frog, Caterpillar Class and Year 2, the morning routine will remain the same and parents/carers may take children down to the lower playground. We will however be opening the classroom doors earlier at 8.35am to give children more time to put their belongings away in their box and be settled ready for learning to start at 8.40am. It will also give parents more time to vacate the primary area before the gates are closed. Please support us by getting your child to school on time so that they do not miss an important part of the learning day (all children should be in their classes and settled, ready to learn by 8.40am). If you arrive after the primary gate has shut, you will be met by a member of the Senior Leadership Team and directed to the Nurture Room, where a member of staff will require you to record your child’s name and the reason for the late arrival. We thank you for your continued support. HOCKEY TOURNAMENT On Tuesday of this week, a group of year 3 and 4 students took part in a hockey tournament. They came third in their pool , with one of our players winning a certificate for being the honest player of the day. Well done Tamia, Adam, Emmanuella Moses, Austin, Summer, Nishan and Abraham, We are very proud of their achievement. RECEPTION 2018 WELCOME MORNING If you have a child born between 1st September 2013 and 31st August 2014, they are due to start school in September 2018. On Wednesday 11th October, we are holding an Open Morning where families can visit our Early Years department to see the excellent facilities on offer. We can also support you with the application process. If you would like to visit, but can’t make that date and time, please contact the main reception and request a personal tour around the Primary Phase at your convenience. .
Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration, Let Your Light Shine CELEBRATIONS Each week, one child from each class is named as ‘Star of the Week.’ They are awarded the title for working really hard on one of our school priorities: Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration, Independence and Versatility. This week we congratulate the following children: DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Wednesday 11th October Reception 2018 Open Morning Friday 13th October 5E Class assembly 2pm – Main Hall Tuesday 17th October Parents Evening 3.45pm – 6.45pm Wednesday 18th October Thursday 19th October Year 6 trip to the Imperial War Museum Friday 20th October 4E Class assembly 2pm – Main Hall Monday 23rd October – Friday 27th October Half term – school closed Bumblebee Class Shamoya Hutchinson Frog Class Sophia Gordon Dragonfly Class Jonelle Busingye 2E Safiya Oueslati 2W Juan Andres Sanchez 3E Austin Prescott 3W Matthew Jacome Asqui 4E Nishan Sallery 4W Miriam Domach 5E Georgina Hall 5W Eryn Atror 6E Favour Akintomide 6W Tia Marie Blackwood ATTENDANCE WINNERS Attendance Cup was awarded to: Class Class 6E 6E GOLDEN TABLE WINNERS Well done to the ‘Golden Table’ winners this week who displayed excellent manners in school: Year 1: Sophia Year 2: Kevin and Sirin Year 3: Adam an Michael Year 4: Kelly and Shania Year 5: Hannah and Atlanta Year 6: Brandon and Dejahnae CLASS 5E ASSEMBLY On Friday 6th October, class 5E are leading our weekly celebration assembly by presenting on what they have been learning so far in the new academic year. Parents of children in class 5E are more than welcome to attend. It will take place at 2pm in the Main Hall. Please arrive at the main reception at 1.55pm to be seated. . PARENT WORKSHOPS Many thanks to those parents who attended the phonics workshops this week. I really hope that you found the sessions useful, and have more of an understanding of how to support your children’s learning at home. We would like to hold more workshops with parents over the coming months and would really welcome suggestions on what you would like us to provide. Have a wonderful weekend Mrs Beckley Head of Primary