Community & Rural Health Care Partnerships Lisa Strother Upsher, MS September 22, 2017
A PARTNERSHIP WITH PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS & WEST VIRGINIA RURAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION PLAN: To expand organ and tissue donation awareness and action in underserved communities through primary and rural health centers in the state of Pennsylvania. Awareness in grassroots neighborhoods is vital in order to dispel any myths and misconceptions about organ and tissue donation. This is particularly prevalent in the African-Americans and other minority areas that are disproportionately affected by diseases (diabetes and high blood pressure) that could lead to organ failure. COMMUNITY AND RURAL HEALTH CARE PARTNERSHIP: Community and rural health centers are viewed as the health experts in the community they serve. The care provided transcends throughout the community allowing patients to trust and rely on their expertise and guidance. In order to reach the multicultural and underserved population, Donate Life Pennsylvania and West Virginia State Teams developed a meaningful partnership with community health centers through the support and guidance of the Pennsylvania Association of Community Health Centers (PACHC) and West Virginia Rural Health Associstion .
Goals Increase donor designation rates Advance culture of donation Build relationship with Community Health Centers Target statewide series of Organ & Tissue Awareness presentations
Objectives: Establish collaboration with the Pennsylvania Association of Community Health Centers, Pennsylvania Department of Health, Donate Life Pennsylvania (CORE ND GLDP) . Establish collaboration with the West Virginia Rural Health Association, Donate Life West Virginia ( CORE, Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliation (KODA), Lifeline of Ohio, LifeNet Health) Provide organ donation education to Community Health Center Staff located in rural and urban areas of Pennsylvania. Educate and raise awareness about organ and tissue donation to the patients in the community the centers served. Cultivate volunteer ambassador opportunities within Community Health Centers.
What is a Community Health Center
Community Health Center Challenges Original Concept & Methodology:
Implementation and Creativity
AWARENESS AND EDUCATION Provide training/presentation to staff through breakfast in services or ‘lunch & learns.’ Participate in Community Health Center Days or Fair Donor Registration Drives- (develop registration goals) creative ideas. Donor Materials in waiting rooms. Distribute Survey to both staff and constituents Present score card* (see attached) to contact person to ensure benchmarks are met.
Why Should We Work Together Grassroot neighborhoods Trust Collaboration Health Care Crisis Have the potential to save 8 lives Enhance the lives of up to 75 peoples
How to Participate in the Community Health Challenge Complete a scorecard Present opportunities for Staff & Board of Director Trainings Present opportunities for tabling events & other events Display posters & brochures Be creative
Collaboration Partnerships Donate Life Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Association of Community Health Centers Pennsylvania Department of Health Donate Life West Virginia West Virginia Rural Health Association Human Resource Service Administration Community Health Centers
COMMUNITY & RURAL HEALTH COLLABORATION PROCESS A total of 36 offices and 6 dental offices were selected from community and rural health centers as pilot sites (split between both OPO’s). 5 centers (28 offices and 4 dental offices in Pennsylvania counties served by CORE. The sites were in Allegheny (urban) & Franklin (rural) counties that addressed the special needs of multicultural and predominately low income populations 3 centers in West Virginia counties served by CORE. These sites were in Monongahela & Boone counites that addressed the special needs of predominately underserved and underinsured populations 3 centers (5 offices and 2 dental offices)in Pennsylvania counties served by Gift of Life Donor Program The largest community health center in the Philadelphia area Berks County Centers: 70% of their service population is Hispanic and Lancaster County Centers: 50% of their service population is Amish and provide a Horse and Buggy” Outreach program).
Marketing Concepts Promote CARING,HOPE AND COMMITMENT as the core messages CHC represents Community Health Centers Feature real people and real stores People are from the organ donation community donor families, living donors, recipient, medical professionals, etc. Their full stories can be viewed online at your website Call to action: Please register to be an organ donor
Results and ROI: Eight Community Health Centers Gift of Life Donor Program’s Region: 3 centers (5 offices and 2 dental offices). CORE’s Region: 5 centers (28 offices and 4 dental offices) were committed and participated in the Challenge. 826 staff members at these participating sites were educated about donation by OPO representatives from both CORE and GLDP during staff meetings and in-services. The health centers placed brochures and posters in waiting areas and replenished items when needed.
2016 Donate Life America Pinnacle Award
Mini Grant Earning Points easy as 1-2-3
Replicability Community and Rural health centers are viewed in their communities as the health experts. The care provided transcends throughout the community allowing patients to trust and rely on their Community Center’s expertise and guidance. This particular challenge allowed the OPO’s to develop meaningful partnerships with the Community Health Centers. This program is replicable because it gives us a vehicle to reach a group that otherwise may not be able to be reached.