HSE update September 2017 Liz Hunter 020 3028 3369 HSE Inspector of Health and Safety Liz.hunter@hse.gov.uk
Construction Division Plan 2017-18 Undertake a targeted, risk based programme of approximately 9000 proactive inspections throughout the year Two 2 week major inspection campaigns targeting refurbishment during October. 20 Inspections of architect practices offering principal designer services to assess compliance with CDM2015 and in particular for timber frame projects 40 inspections to gather evidence on the control of manual handling risks from planning to delivery. Tracking back to designer or client if necessary 240 Asbestos licence assessments & 1000 Licensed asbestos inspections High hazard demolition sites Tunnelling projects (including Shieldhall Sewer Glasgow)
Management of sub-contractors Risk profiling Setting standards Check RAMS before start on site Monitor performance Consequences of non-compliance? Permits to work/SSoW
Leadership behaviours
Setting a good example??
Permit - key issues Permit number – reference to other relevant permits or isolation certificates. Job location & plant identification. Description of work to be done and its limitations/scope Hazard identification & controls Person in charge Overlaps with other activities Hand overs/cancellation/suspension Authorisations
References http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/priced/hsg159.pdf http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg250.htm