Traveling Sensory Classroom A Simulation Experience presented by: Amy J. Helmuth Family Support Partner Supervisor Kalamazoo Community Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Latrieva Boston Family Services Manager ASK Family Services
3 PARTS Education Sensory Simulation Debriefing DISTURBING! EXAGGERATION! Debriefing
Our Goals 1. You will gain insight 2. You will see a child’s behavior as communication. 3. You will become open to new ideas. 4. You will think creatively when trying to help a child. Our Goals
Sensory Processing Disorder Processing = Brain Sensory Processing Disorder
3 Types of SPD 1. Sensory Modulation Dysfunction 2. Sensory Discrimination 3. Postural Disorder 3 Types of SPD
FAR Senses
Proprioceptor Interoception Vestibular Hidden Senses
Possible Responses Children Ignore discomfort Become irritable Eat or talk excessively Experience motion sickness Become anxious Tantrum Seeking Sensory Possible Responses
Coping Tools Commonly Used Sunglasses Earplugs Gum Doodling Hiding Moving Crying Coping Tools
Is Behavior Sensory Related???
Everyone manages sensory challenges. Some manage better than others Everyone manages sensory challenges. Some manage better than others. Children need to be taught appropriate coping skills. If we do not understand their level of discomfort, we cannot adequately help them.