The Holocaust 1933-1945 Holocaust Memorial in Berlin
Jews Targeted Anti-Semitism was deep rooted in European history. ***READ FIRST PAGE OF BOOKLET*** Anti-Semitism was deep rooted in European history. Scapegoats for all problems including WWI. Hitler’s Germany = racially pure (ARYAN race) Nuremburg Laws = stripped Jews of civil rights Kristallnacht = night of broken glass November 9th, 1938
Timeline Years FOR THIS SLIDE: write one law put in place during each of the following years. Students will share laws 1933 1935 1936 Hitler becomes Fuhrer: approval rating is 90%. The German Gestapo is placed “above the law”. Olympic Games take place in Berlin(Hitler is popular). 1937 1938 Kritstallnacht Jews are issued identification cards.
Timeline 1939 S.S. St. Louis Jews begin to be placed into ghettos. Trains Unsanitary, over crowded, and lack of food Jews are referred to as a “plague” in German newspapers. Polish Jews are forced to wear yellow stars 1940: Nazis build Auschwitz 1941: First use of Zyklon-B gas in Auschwitz.
Timeline cont… 1942: New York Times reports that 100s of 1,000s of Jews have been gunned down by Nazis. Britain recognizes Nazi goal to exterminate the Jewish people. ***READ SECOND PAGE OF BOOKLET***
Timeline cont… 1943: Nazis dig up bodies of over one million Jews that were killed and burn the evidence. First Jewish resistance at Concentration Camps-some actually escape. Gas chambers and crematories open at Auschwitz.
Timeline cont… ***READ THIRD PAGE OF BOOKLET*** 1944: Roosevelt creates War Refugee Board and accuses Germany and Japan of “crimes against humanity”. 1945: Nazis conduct death marches of Concentration Camp inmates as allies approach. Liberation of Camps Russians Liberate Budapest, Warsaw, and Auschwitz. U.S. and Allies liberate Buchenwald and Dachau. Americans free 33,000 concentration camp inmates.
Hitler’s Final Solution *Put into lines and sorted-torn from family *Prisoners buried their own dead(Family threatened) *Forced Labor-worked to death
Concentration Camps Mass executions Mobile killing squads Auschwitz was the largest concentration camp Jews were killed in many ways Gas chambers Killed 6,000 daily Scientific experiments Hanged Injected w/poison Executed
Who was killed? Two thirds of all European Jews Killed Jews Jehovah’s witnesses Catholics Communists Gypsies Homosexuals Soviet POWs Two thirds of all European Jews Killed
Adolf Eichmann “Mastermind” who helped to organize and implement: Kristallnacht Deportation and Final Solution Death camps and Gas chambers Escaped to Buenos Aires with a new name Found by 5 Israelis Long process began in 1961 Signed and Ordered murder of a boy who ate cherries. Death sentence in May of 1962
Heinrich Himmler Head of S.S. Involved in Speech to S.S. Implementation of Final Solution Camp security Gas chamber because of killing women and children in “cold blood” Speech to S.S. Extermination of Jews was a “small matter” Better place in war due to lack of Jews Fled in May of 1945 and was captured by British: bit cyanide pill
Josef Mengele Chief Doctor at Auschwitz “Angel of Death” Experimented on prisoners Twins, dwarfs, eye color, abnormalities, created Siamese twins, dissected, chemicals in eyes, pregnant women, etc… Fled to Farm in Germany, then to Argentina, then Paraguay, then had a stroke while swimming in 1979.
Goering and Goebbels Herman Goering Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), Commander in chief of the Luftwaffe, Head of the Gestapo, Hitler’s designated successor Tried at Nuremberg and charged with various crimes against humanity. Swallowed cyanide tablet before execution. Drug addict, disliked by peers Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), Minister for public enlightenment and propaganda. Staged a public burning of books Day after Hitler’s suicide, Goebbels and wife poisoned children and killed themselves
Liberation Forced Death Marches ***READ FINAL PAGE OF BOOKLET*** Forced Death Marches Allies liberated first camps in July 1944 Soviets first to get there Over 6 million Jews died Found 14,000 lbs of hair, clothes, etc…
Band of Brothers V-E DAY IF TIME REMAINS!