Lipids at a glance
Low-Fat Cooking Methods Lipids- At A Glance Fat = ___/gram Functions of Fat Cholesterol is never found in: CHOLESTEROL: L H Fatty Acids: Low-Fat Cooking Methods ________________ Appear to:
L H Fats and Oils- At A Glance KEY CHOLESTEROL: Fat-like substance 9 Insulation Functions of Fat Energy Oils Fat = 9/gram Solids KADE Flavor Reserve Energy Cholesterol is never found in: PLANTS Feel Full Longer Healthy Skin Cell Growth CHOLESTEROL: Fat-like substance L H Fatty Acids: DL DL osers eros Low-Fat Cooking Methods Grilling Broiling Poaching Roasting Yogurt for Mayo Oils for Solid Fats Hyrogenated Appears to: Shortening Margarine Ready made bakery goods Appear to: Meat Milk Products Butter Lard Shortening Tropical Oils Vegetable Oils -Corn oil -Safflower oil Olives Olive Oil Avocado Peanuts Peanut Oil Saturated Polyunsaturated Monounsaturated LDL HDL LDL HDL LDL HDL LDL HDL