<TAG> <html> <head> <title>My webpage!</title> </head> <body> </body> </html>
<TAGs> </TAGs> <strong> Your name </strong> <h1> HAPPY NEW YEAR </h1> <h2> HAPPY NEW YEAR </h2> <h3> HAPPY NEW YEAR </h3> <h4> HAPPY NEW YEAR </h4> <h5> HAPPY NEW YEAR </h5>
<br> Something about your self <br> <p> Something about your self </p>
http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colors.asp HTML Colors <u> <em> <body bgcolor="#c000000" text="000ffcc"> <h1><font color=#fffccc00>hello</font></h1> http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colors.asp
Adding sound and images to your webpage using HTML. This works much better with the <tb> TAG, Insert your images, sound and video into Tables you have set up in HLML. You must have a table in which to insert the HTML code on your page.
Table <TAG> <table width="50%" border="1" height="40%"> <tr> <td><h1>How are you today</h1></tb> </tr> </table>
Image <TAG> <img src="banksey style5.jpg" style="width:304px;height:228px;"> <img src ="APS.jpg“style width="366" height="84"> This will call the picture and the JPEG Name of the image makes sure it is in the same folder as you coded page.
sound <TAG> <embed src =“music.mp3" width="366" height="84" controls> <embed height="50" width="100" src="01.mp3" controls"> <a href = “music.mp3">SOUNDS</a></td> Give the file a simple file ext that you can remember, make sure it is in the same folder as you coded page.