TV Production Job Instructions
Tricaster Prior to being Tricaster all students will complete the rotation of Floor Director. During this time the student will shadow and learn the tricaster. Our youtube channel has two tutorials for you to view and use for trouble shooting It is up to the tricaster to get permission from their second block teacher to be late to class.
Anchor When running anchor work with your other anchor to create a lively show Rehearse with the teleprompter prior to filming. Review pronunciation and ensure that the announcement makes sense. Avoid wearing green and stripes! As well, you must adhere to the dress code. Failure to do this will result in not performing this day. View the tutorial on our weebly page if you have questions
Floor Director You run the show and are in charge of maintaining the area. Please watch the anchors and help to provide tips in sitting, projection and articulation. Once filming is completed you are able to leave the area and work on segments or your PSA You will be shadowing the Ticaster. On the last two days of your FD duty you will stay and run the show with the tricaster. Please let your 2nd block teacher know prior. Please review the tutorial on our weebly page.
Video Stop by the office to get all videos. Get a Chromebook from Altmeyer (Not Ms. Mann) Preview all videos to make sure they are formatted correctly and are in the :30 time frame. ALL VIDEOS MUST BE APPROVED BY ALTMEYER. NO EXCEPTIONS. All videos must be played at least three times. (That’s all we guarantee.) Use the calendar in the production room to organize all videos. Submit all approved videos to the tricaster and specifically discuss what will be played on that day. Once the video is “dead” return back to the advisor’s mailbox.
Hot Topics with Harrill As soon as morning meeting is finished grab the basket and head to the office. Use only the Hot Topic SD Card. You may have to wait for her. View the tutorial on the weebly for specifics of the job. Remember two things: what she is wearing and how long she spoke Head the SD card to the Tricaster. Wait for them to upload the video footage and make sure they have the correct one on the tricaster. Clear the SD card and return it to the drawer in Altmeyer’s office.
Teleprompter Altmeyer will share the google form with you. This is where all the announcements will be. Review that all announcements are submitted correctly and that all wording sounds correct. Deleted any “dead” announcements. On the Chromebook from Altmeyer (Not Mann) upload the Tellyprompt App. Chromebook 1 and 2 are normally used and should refresh easily. Copy and paste the daily announcements to the teleprompter. Rehearse with the anchors. Adjust speed as needed and help them with pacing.
Media Responsibilities This person is in charge of all outgoing media for the Roar. Provide a :60 music clip to the Tricaster each day. THIS SONG MUST BE APPROVED BY ALTMEYER Upload any segments or PSA that have been aired to our youtube account. Post to Twitter once a day Post to Instagram once a day Each day copy all of the daily announcements to our class webpage.
Onsites This is a team of three students that will need to DAILY collaborate together to create a unique onsite announcement. Each day you will choose ONE new announcement. Discuss with the teleprompter which onsite you will use that day. EACH DAY IT WILL CHANGE. Create :20 - :30 onsite for that one announcement. The announcement should have a title slide with any pertinent information (room # or time) The onsite should be creative/ fun/ engaging- Ideas you can interview someone, use B-roll footage, create a skit, etc.
Segments * A segment may run between 2:00 and 2:30 seconds All segments must be Storyboarded and then pitched to Mrs. Altmeyer prior to any filming. You may work with a partner on a segment You have a maximum of two weeks to prepare, film and edit a segment. You may video complete TWO short segments, run time :60 – 1:30 during your two week run as segments. Segments are totally creative and up for you to decide.