Another way to represent data is by drawing a Bar Chart
Find the differences between the two bar charts. Which one is correct?
What is wrong with this bar chart?
Data representation Learning Objective: To draw and interpret bar charts Success criteria: Can I remember and follow the rules for drawing bar charts? Can I understand the meaning of a piece of data in a table or in a bar chart? Can I compare data in a bar chart?
Important points for drawing a bar chart Chart title Frequency on vertical axes Label axes Correct scales Gaps between bars Bars of Equal width Gaps of Equal width
The table shows the numbers of texts Peter and Amy sent on each of 5 days last week. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Peter 5 4 3 6 9 Amy 10 12 15 Task 1 Draw one bar chart for Peter’s texts and another bar chart for Amy’s texts (2 bar charts) Task 2 Write a question about data from the bar chart (s) in your neighbour’s book and answer his/her question in your book.
Peer assessment Swap books with your partner and mark his/her work! Write a suggestion in his/her book on how to draw a bar chart better next time. Mark scheme: 1 point for correct title of chart 1 point for correct labels on axes 1 point for right scales 1 point for space between bars 2 points for correct height of bars 2 points for equal width of bars 2 points for equal width of gaps
This is a graph to show how many of each pet a class has between them. - There are two less cats than dogs. - Only one child has a parrot at home. - The number of fish added to the number of gerbils is equal to the number of dogs. - There are twice as many fish as hamsters. - There are half the number of gerbils as there are cats.
STP 7 Pg 38 Exercise 3c Number 2 Homework for Tomorrow STP 7 Pg 38 Exercise 3c Number 2