Kalypso and Nausikaa Odyssey V and VI
Kalypso Review: a sea nymph, lives on Ogygia, in love with Odysseus Book V opens on Olympos, with Athena interceding on Odysseus’ behalf JUST LIKE BOOK I We are in real-time here, contemperaneous to Telemakhos’ voyage
Timeline Telemakhos Book XIII Book I Odysseus Book V Book XIII Book 1 Books IX - XII
Zeus “We, whose will is not subject to error” “It is not to be thought of – and no use – for any god to elude the will of Zeus” FATE – even Zeus can’t overcome it “You hate it when we choose to lie with mortal men” Can Zeus REALLY be upset by goddesses sleeping with mortals?
Ballistic: God vs. God Poseidon counters Hermes Ino counters Poseidon Odysseus counters Ino Poseidon counters Odysseus Athena counters Poseidon Zeus still wins
The Arrival on Phaiakia Odysseus makes it, but barely “Odysseus left the skin of his great hands torn on that rock-ledge “swollen from head to foot” REBIRTH
Odysseus Finally Rests
The Phaiakians lived on Phaiakia (aka Skheria) gods used to walk among them Alkinoos: king of Phaiakia Arete: queen of Phaiakia name means “glory” Nausikaa: daughter of Alkinoos and Arete
Nausikaa Nausikaa is one of Homer's most wonderful creations Young (how old, do you think?), beautiful, obedient, smart, clever, yet simple
Nausikaa as Virgin and Mother As a virgin, she’s a desirable princess Odysseus doesn’t know what to do: μίξεσθαι “to go to meet; have sex with” As mother, she brings him to life