Community Perception Survey 2009-2017 Results La Crosse County Alcohol Tobacco Other Drugs Mental Health Other Social Issues Alcohol Compiled by Tracy Herlitzke CESA #4,
Methodology A survey focusing on perceptions of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use in the community was sent in February 2017 to 2,400 random households in La Crosse County. To increase response rate, a pre-notification postcard was sent a week prior to the survey mailing. Participants could enter a drawing to win gift cards from Valley View Mall or Kwik Trip (5 total) by returning a postcard entry form separate from their survey. A reminder post-card was sent two weeks following survey mailing. Analysis was conducted on 534 surveys (22% response rate). Similar surveys were conducted in 2005, 2009, 2012, and 2014. Current results are compared to 2009, 2012, and 2014 results.
Demographic Information 2009 2012 2014 2017 Survey sample size (response rate) 692 (19.2%) 329 (13.7%) 405 (16.9%) 534 (22.3%) % Female 66% 59% 51% 70% Median age 57 years 55 years 62 years Non-white 6% 1% 2% 3% % College degree or higher education 34% 47% 49% 52% Minor in household 31% 25% 22% La Crosse County 123 (18%) 329 (100%) 405 (100%) 534 (100%) City of La Crosse 55% 48% City of Onalaska 21% Other 24% 30%
Perception of Problem-Binge Drinking
Perception of Problem-Tobacco Use
Perception of Problem- Other Tobacco Products
Perception of Problem-Marijuana *2014 & 2017-Young Adults and Adults Combined
Perception of Problem- Prescription Drug Abuse *In 2009, question was formatted differently, therefore not reported
Perception of Problem-Illegal Drugs
Perception of Problem-Bullying
Perception of Problem-Depression
Perception of Problem-Suicide
Perception of Problem-Mental Health Service Availability
Level of Support for Alcohol Consumption in the Community % Agree or Strongly Agree it is acceptable for: 2009 2012 2014 2017 Occasional drinking by teenagers 11% 8% Binge drinking by teenagers 2% 3% n/a Teenagers to drink if they don’t drive afterwards 4% 5% 6% Occasional drinking by 18-20 year olds 46% 38% 42% 45% Any binge drinking of 18-20 year olds 7% 18-20 year olds to drink if they don’t drive afterwards 30% 25% 27% 26% Adults to binge drink if they don’t drive afterwards 14% 16% 15% Community member’s acceptability of teenagers drinking is very low in general, between 5% and 11% in 2017 . Occasional and binge drinking of young adults (age 18-20) is more acceptable to community members than teenagers (ranging from 26 to 45%). This acceptability has increased from the survey in 2012 after an initial decline. Community members in general agreed that binge drinking is more acceptable if people don’t drive afterwards.
Level of Support for Parents Supplying Alcohol to Minors % Agree or Strongly Agree it is acceptable for: 2009 2012 2014 2017 Parents to offer alcohol to a non-relative teenager 1% 2% Parents to offer alcohol to their own teenager 23% 18% 21% 20% Parents to offer alcohol to their own 18-20 year old 31% 27% 29% 25% Respondents were generally more supportive of parents offering alcohol to 18-20 year-old adults than they were to those younger than 18 (their own children or other children. Most respondents indicate that it is NOT okay for parents to offer other teenagers alcohol. Overall support for parents supplying alcohol to minors has decreased from 2009 to 2017 (indicating less support for parents supplying alcohol to those not of drinking age.)
Parents Who Host Lose the Most
Community Support for Alcohol Regulation and Law Enforcement % Mostly or Completely Supportive 2009 2012 2014 2017 Law Enforcement and Legal Action Conducting retailer compliance checks for alcohol to prevent the sale of alcohol to teenagers and young adults 94% 89% 87% 92% Increasing the penalties for adults hosting an underage drinking party (social host ordinance) n/a 88% 78% 83% Enforcing the minimum drinking age of 21 years 90% 81% 80% Increasing the penalties on drinking and driving 74% Alcohol Regulation Increasing taxes on alcohol 51% 55% 38% 49% Increasing the cost of alcohol license fees if the money went to prevention and treatment 53% 46% More regulation on how alcohol is served at community festivals 59% 52% More regulation on how alcohol is served at bars/restaurants Eliminating all-you-can-drink specials at bars/restaurants 69% 65% 70% More regulation on the number or location of alcohol licenses 43% 48% A community committee to review alcohol license conditions and renewals 47% 50% 56% Limits on alcohol advertising (billboards, radio, etc.) 63%
Support for Alcohol Policies by Respondents Residence, 2017 La Crosse city residents responded differently in their level of support to three of the policies compared to residents from the other communities. La Crosse residents were more supportive of a community committee to review alcohol license conditions, eliminating all-you-can-drink specials, and for limiting alcohol advertising. Residents of La Crosse and Onalaska were more supportive of increasing the penalties for hosting underage drinking parties than respondents outside these two communities.
Support for Tobacco Strategies, 2017
Support for Marijuana Legalization, 2017
Support for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Strategies, 2017
Community Perceptions of Mental Health, 2017
142 Participant Comments “Make campaigns to educate communities about mental health and try to eliminate stigma.” Theme Comments Survey feedback 49 Solutions 28 Treatment services/resources 17 Personal story 15 Alcohol (age, burden, consequences) 13 Alcohol culture in WI 11 Marijuana 9 Laws 7 Mental health Drunk/distracted driving 5 Illicit drug use Bullying 4 Parenting/family unit 3 Tobacco Other “I think a lot of the acceptable use of binge drinking and drugs/alcohol is due to undiagnosed mental illness. Provide good mental health and the drinking and drugs will reduce along with crime.” “As a bartender, I know all too well how pervasive is the regular/daily drinking culture in this area.” “There is a serious issue in the area with and excessive amount of places that serve alcohol.”