Student Intervention Team (SIT) & Evaluation Team (ET) Early intervention & data based decision making
What’s the DIFFERENCE? Offer 2 systems of support for ALL students & staff STUDENT INTERVENTION TEAM (SIT) -Looks at data-based interventions to improve student performance. Talk briefly about what SIT is and what it is in relationship to MDT/ET/CARE team. We have more in-depth info later on, but I feel we will open the opportunity for a lot of anxiety-based questions if we are not clear up front (we are not adding another team-just streamlining what we have to maximize our effectiveness and staff resources). In order to do the slide above, we need to create a forum/system in which to do it. Collective intelligence To generate more reliable ET referrals. To promote shared ownership and collaboration EVALUATION TEAM (ET) -After reviewing data from SIT, the ET determines if a Special Education evaluation is needed. If the team determines that an SE eval is warranted, than the student is evaluated.
What’s the PURPOSE? All schools in the district are now required to have an intervention team and a pre-referral process. Teachers need support with intervention to improve student performance. The teacher remains the focus point in delivery of intervention. The coach will support you as needed. Bullet number 2 is true but should be presented carefully. ie: let’s face it-we all have a lot on our plates, and while if we had more time we could certainly help our struggling students, the reality is we don’t so, why not take advantage of the resources we DO have (our awesome staff) and brainstorm with them on new ideas. Sometimes it really only takes the thoughts of a person outside of the situation to come up with a solution.
What’s the current NEED at CCE? Inattention Behavior Organization Sensory Others ??? Bullet number 2 is true but should be presented carefully. ie: let’s face it-we all have a lot on our plates, and while if we had more time we could certainly help our struggling students, the reality is we don’t so, why not take advantage of the resources we DO have (our awesome staff) and brainstorm with them on new ideas. Sometimes it really only takes the thoughts of a person outside of the situation to come up with a solution.
What’s the HISTORY? Previously CARE Team has functioned as if it were a pre-referral team- with primary focus on social/ emotional/behavioral needs. CARE team provided teachers with suggestions with less direct support. MDT and CARE team was one in the same at one point, and then separated into two teams. Maybe mention: NOW we will have SIT which will encompass many of the supports MDT and CARE did but be available to support EVERYONE (ALL students and teachers)
What’s the DATA suggest? Between 2010-12, $228k was spent on evaluations for students who did not qualify (approx. 1 in 4 NSD referrals). Even if your student is receiving special education services, you might still find you need support from your colleagues to address concerns in your classroom. Allington’s research tells us that quality classroom instruction and early intervention is what benefits kids most. This is powerful information. Hopefully after 2 years of SIT we will have data on how many students (and teachers) we successfully supported without referral Even if it is only 1, if we imagine that one student not helped and how his/her behavior may impact the others in the class-it’s like the ripple effect from a drop of water.
WOW ! That’s collaboration! What’s the BENEFIT? Teachers will have a team to collaborate, design interventions, and monitor progress with. Teachers will have a coach to assess, support, and be a resource. Special Education Teachers have a resource for those students who already qualify, but still need help You may be the coach. You may be coached. We all have different expertise and it’s time to share the knowledge. WOW ! That’s collaboration! Why do you come to work every morning? There is something deep down inside ALL of us that yearns to help others-whether that be children, families, or adults, it’s there. SIT will provide a safe, structured place to work through these road blocks together, and provide encouragement to all of us involved. We have a teacher assigned to support the SIT process. This teacher may step in to enable you time to observe another class, meet with your coach, collect data, etc.
What’s the PROCESS? TEACHER SHARES CONCERN with ADMINISTRATOR and PSYCHOLOGIST S.I.T. Facilitator schedules & invites CORE & Student teams to meet regarding concerns Intervention plan is developed, implemented, and documented (4 weeks) SIT Team determines next steps (continue intervention OR move to ET) E.T. Psychologist begins evaluation process Administrator: SIT will have 2 facilitators to schedule and lead SIT meetings. (primary) and (intermediate). Also, if primary brings a student on concern then intermediate can facilitate and vis versa. The Student Intervention Team will design interventions, make data based decisions, and (the best part) receive support in various forms. SIT will address all areas of academic challenge, not just social/emotional/behavioral.
SIT member COMMITMENT SIT has 2types of members: Core Member (weekly availability) Student Specific Member (as needed) The “core” member is available to meet weekly (if needed) at a regularly scheduled time The “student specific” member is called in as needed. This member can provide information to the team regarding the student of concern. Members should be comfortable with changing roles (as the coach or being coached) as time goes by. Members may have the opportunity for trainings.
WHAT is a coach? Collaborative Partnership A COACH is: A COACH is NOT: Not necessarily the expert, but someone who may have good stuff to share along side you Support not judgment Accountability but not blame Someone who meets you where you are A COACH is NOT: Better The “All-knowing” expert A tattle tale Enabler A coach is: Someone interested and willing to come along side you and offer ideas
What is the VISION? Interventions can be shared. We will grow as a staff in our ability to support diverse needs of students. By working together, we can be more effective. Be known for what you know! QUESTIONS? NEXT UP…ET???