Why do students succeed?
They Prepare Studying the Reading Assignment HS vs. College 4 hours on average per class mere reading is not studying note-taking on textbook Reviewing Class Notes about 15 minutes ASAP Noting Questions for Next Class about 15 minutes before class
Why do students succeed? Preparation: Reading and Study Review of Class Notes Questions for Next Class Why do students succeed?
They Attend Class From Start to Finish Without Absences Tardy students miss critical information Tardy students miss the quizzes Come EARLY to relax, prepare for quiz Early exiting students miss conclusions and important lessons Without Absences Absences are HIGHLY correlated with failure If absent, it’s your responsibility to seek remedies
Why do students succeed? Preparation: Reading and Study Review of Class Notes Questions for Next Class Attendance: From Start to Finish Without Absences Why do students succeed?
They Accept the Challenge Self-Motivated Strong and Positive Attitude Willingness to Work
Why do students succeed? Preparation: Reading and Study Review of Class Notes Questions for Next Class Attendance: From Start to Finish Without Absences Challenge: Self-Motivated Strong and Positive Attitude Willingness to Work Why do students succeed?
They Engage With Instructor With Classmates
Why do students succeed? Preparation: Reading and Study Review of Class Notes Questions for Next Class Attendance: From Start to Finish Without Absences Challenge: Self-Motivated Strong and Positive Attitude Willingness to Work Engagement: With Instructor With Classmates Why do students succeed?
Why do students succeed? Preparation: Attendance: Challenge: Engagement: Why do students succeed?
Why do students succeed? Preparation: P Attendance: A Challenge: C Engagement: E Why do students succeed?