A Sinful Woman Forgiven Luke 7: 36-50 By James Lam
A brief summary A Pharisee invited Jesus over his home to have a meal. A city woman which has sinned, then entered the Pharisee's home and started to cleanse Jesus's feet with her tears and drying them with her hair and and also kissing his feet and anointing them with ointment. The Pharisee said to himself that, if Jesus was a prophet he would have known that she is a sinner. Jesus then spoke up saying, " a certain creditor had two debtors, one owed 500 denarii and one owed 50 denarii, when they both could not pay, the creditor cancelled the debt of both of them" then Jesus asked the Pharisee who which of the two debtors will love the creditor more? The Pharisee answered "the one with the greater debt" Jesus replied that, the Pharisee had judged, but judged correctly, then Jesus turned to the woman and spoke to the Pharisee that, when Jesus had entered his home, he did not give water for Jesus to wash his feet, but the woman washed my feet with her tears and dried them with her hair, Jesus then pointed out that, the Pharisee didn't kiss Jesus, but the woman hasn't stopped kissing his feet when he had entered, Jesus said to the woman that,her sins were forgiven, and that her faith had saved her.
Jesus' response When The Pharisee said that "if Jesus was a prophet he would know that the the woman who was kissing his feet was a sinner, but Jesus'. Response of that was that, when he had entered the Pharisees home, he did not get any water to wash his feet, any kisses, or any ointment to wash his hair. Jesus then told the Pharisee a story about a creditor who has 2 debtors
How did the character respond? When Jesus had told the Pharisee the story about the creditor and the 2 debtors the Pharisee remained silent and listened to Jesus and answered the questions Jesus had asked.
What did you learn from reading this story about Jesus being the perfect example of God’s love. I learnt that Jesus forgives everyone, even the people that have sinned more then others and that everyone is the same, just like god loving everyone
Examples of Jesus' love today The pope was once invited to dinner, by a rich man, the pope agreed to go, once a sinned person heard if this he quickly rushed to the rich mans home, and began begging for the popes forgiveness.
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