International Baccalaureate Film Studies A Guide To Assessment
Presentation Weighting 25% External Assessment Presentation Weighting 25%
Overview three films to choose from – select one select an extract (no more than 5mins) from the selected film offer a detailed textual analysis of the extract textual analysis should consider: how meaning is constructed through the use of film language the extract’s relationship to the film as a whole rationale the selection of the extract the film’s genre the film’s place in a broader sociocultural context (time & place in society & culture) the director’s intention. oral presentation should be no more than 10mins long
The teacher will choose three films from a prescribed list. In this task, students are required to make an oral presentation of an analysis of an film extract lasting no more than five minutes from a prescribed film. Presentation The teacher will choose three films from a prescribed list. Students will be provided with the names of the three chosen films in advance of the presentation. They will select one film from the three.
Films to Critically Analyze Do the Right Thing 1989 Dir. Spike Lee (125mins) Casablanca 1942 Dir. Michael Curtiz (103mins) The Graduate 1967 Dir. Mike Nichols (106mins) Films NOT Screened in Class Cool Hand Luke 1967 Dir. Stuart Rosenberg (127mins) Breathless 1960 Dir. François Truffaut (90mins)
The aim of the presentation is to encourage a close textual analysis of a continuous extract. Students must present a clear understanding of how meaning is constructed through the use of film language. Students may prepare and take notes into the assessment, but they should not read from a prepared document and any notes should be used for reference and guidance only. Presentation Students should select an extract from their chosen film and offer a detailed textual analysis of the extract, placing it in the context of the film as a whole and in a broader socio-cultural context, as appropriate. Students should include reasons for choosing the particular extract.
Consider Textual analysis of film requires observing and questioning all the elements that create meaning within the piece, such as acting, directing, lighting, cinematography, mise-en-scene, and more. Besides noticing the individual elements that create a film’s meaning, textual analysis also involves understanding how the film fits into the larger context of its social, historical, cultural and political environment. So textual analysis also requires researching a film’s genre, audience, and its historical, institutional, and socio-cultural significance. It’s only in combining all of these elements that we can create a thorough understanding of the film.
Students must prepare for this assessment alone. Presentation The following must be adhered to in preparing and submitting presentation work. • The presentation must last no longer than 10 minutes • The presentation must be recorded on CD or as an MP3 on a flash drive. • The presentation must include the appropriate coversheet, including precise details of the chosen extract. • Playing the film extract must not occupy any of the student’s allotted commentary time.
Rubric To earn a top score: There is a coherent, incisive, insightful and detailed evaluative interpretation of the extract, displaying an excellent understanding of how meaning is constructed through the use of film language, with an excellent awareness of the extract’s relationship to the film as a whole. There is a persuasive explanation for the selection of the extract. The critique shows an excellent awareness of the film’s genre and/or its place in a broader sociocultural context. There is an insightful analysis of the director’s intention. Simple description is negligible and analysis is clear and thorough.
Sample 1 (SL): The Bride of Frankenstein Marks available – 25 Marks awarded – 22 This student presents a well-organized and richly detailed response to his chosen extract. Throughout the presentation he is thoroughly engaged with the film. He begins with offering basic, accurate background information on the stars and director, its date of production and the fact that it was the sequel to Frankenstein. Reference is made to the influence of German Expressionism. He identifies the style as being very theatrical and offers some description. He reflects upon the representation of good and evil, with humans trying to fight forces within and outside themselves. An apt context is given to the uneasy camerawork and uneasy movements by actors as examples of Expressionism, and reference is made to other expressionistic forms. After a promising start, a little too much time is wasted in giving a narrative summary.
Tools to Assist Please refer to the samples, checklist, templates, etc. to answer any questions you may have about this project. See the course website & google drive for said materials.