Mechanical, Electromagnetic, Electrical, TYPES OF ENERGY Mechanical, Electromagnetic, Electrical, Chemical and Thermal
Types and Forms of Energy Gateway To Technology Unit 3– Lesson 3.1– Investigating Energy Energy exists in many forms. Energy can be moved from one object to another. Energy can be changed from one form to another. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Law of Conservation of Energy Types and Forms of Energy Law of Conservation of Energy Gateway To Technology Unit 3– Lesson 3.1– Investigating Energy With every transformation, some energy is converted to less useful forms. Energy conversions are not 100% efficient. The energy output for the intended purpose is seldom the same as the energy we put in. Energy in a system may take on various forms (e.g. kinetic, potential, heat, light). The law of conservation of energy states that energy may neither be created nor destroyed, but can change its form. Therefore the sum of all the energies in the system is a constant. An incandescent light bulb is only 5% efficient as a lighting device. It would be more efficient as a heater! All of the energy remains, but a lot is converted to “waste” form. 95 J heat out 100 J electricity in 5 J light out
Types and Forms of Energy Six Forms of Energy Gateway To Technology Unit 3– Lesson 3.1– Investigating Energy Mechanical Chemical Electrical Light/Radiant Heat/Thermal Nuclear
Types and Forms of Energy Potential Energy Types and Forms of Energy Gateway To Technology Unit 3– Lesson 3.1– Investigating Energy The energy in matter due to its position or the arrangement of its parts The two types of energy are kinetic and potential. Various forms of Potential energy include: Elastic – A trampoline resists being stretched out of shape Electrical – A battery operated flashlight converts electrical potential energy into light when turned on Gravitational – Like an apple falling from a tree Chemical – Energy in food is used by our bodies to move; in a lighted firecracker it is used to make a loud sound and scatter pieces of the firecracker
Types and Forms of Energy Kinetic Energy Types and Forms of Energy Gateway To Technology Unit 3– Lesson 3.1– Investigating Energy Energy of a moving object The two types of energy are kinetic and potential. Increase students’ awareness of kinetic energy by having them: -- Identify objects in motion around them -- Compare how various objects move (walk, roll, jump, etc.) -- Analyze whether stationary objects are really moving (i.e., a plant)
What is Mechanical Energy? Energy due to a object’s motion (kinetic) or position (potential). The bowling ball has mechanical energy. When the ball strikes the pins, mechanical energy is transferred to the pins!
Examples of Mechanical Energy
What is Electromagnetic Energy? (Light) Light energy Includes energy from gamma rays, xrays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared rays, microwave and radio bands
What is Electrical Energy? Energy caused by the movement of electrons Easily transported through power lines and converted into other forms of energy
What is Chemical Energy? Energy that is available for release from chemical reactions. The chemical bonds in a matchstick store energy that is transformed into thermal energy when the match is struck.
Examples of Chemical Energy
What is Thermal Energy? Heat energy The heat energy of an object determines how active its atoms are. A hot object is one whose atoms and molecules are excited and show rapid movement. A cooler object's molecules and atoms will show less movement.
Types and Forms of Energy Energy Conversion Gateway To Technology Unit 3– Lesson 3.1– Investigating Energy All forms of energy can be converted into other forms of energy For example: concentrated solar radiation is used as the energy source of high-temperature process heat for driving thermochemical reactions towards the production of storable and transportable fuels.
ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY QUIZ TIME! What type of energy cooks food in a microwave oven? ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY What type of energy is the spinning plate inside of a microwave oven? MECHANICAL ENERGY
QUIZ TIME! Electrical energy is transported to your house through power lines. When you plug an electric fan to a power outlet, electrical energy is transform into what type of energy? MECHANICAL ENERGY
QUIZ TIME! What energy transformation occurs when an electric lamp is turned on? ELECTRICAL ENERGY ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY
What types of energy are shown below? Mechanical and Thermal Energy (Don’t forget friction)
What type of energy is shown below? Chemical Energy
What types of energy are shown below? Electrical, Mechanical and Electromagnetic Energy
What type of energy is shown below? Chemical Energy (yummy)
What type of energy is shown below? Thermal Energy