Dynamic Feature Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) draft-singh-geopriv-pidf-lo-dynamic-02.txt Vishal K. Singh Henning Schulzrinne Hannes Tschofenig IETF 70, Vancouver
Requirements and Use Cases Mechanism to indicate temporal features of entities = location of moving objects Use cases: location tracking fewer messages than providing position samples fleet management (trucks) safety of personnel Extends PIDF-LO (RFC 4119) with temporal feature elements
Dynamic Feature Elements Based on GML’s dynamicFeature.xsd Speed Measure of the rate of motion Bearing Horizontal direction of one terrestrial point from other type gml:DirectionPropertyType Acceleration Change of speed directionOfObject Instantaneous horizontal of front of object relative to true north and vertical angle relative to earth’s spheroid type gml:DirectionVector dropped elevation
Example xmlns:gml=“http://www.opengis.net/gml” <gml:bearing> <presence xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf“ xmlns:gp=“urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:geopriv10” xmlns:gml=“http://www.opengis.net/gml” entity="pres:geotarget@example.com"> <tuple id="sg89ae"> <status> <gp:geopriv> <gp:location-info> <gml:location> ………… </gml:location> <gml:speed uom="#m/s">12</temp:speed> <gml:bearing> <gml:DirectionVector> <gml:vector>270.0 -60.0</gml:vector> </gml:DirectionVector> </gml:bearing> </gp:location-info> <gp:usage-rules> ………… ………… ………… </gp:usage-rules> </gp:geopriv> </status> <timestamp>2008-06-22T20:57:29Z</timestamp> </tuple> </presence>
Indicating use of Dynamic Feature PIDF-LO using SIP Use of SIP Accept header Proposes use of “supported” parameter For example: Accept: application/pidf+xml; supported="geopriv-temporal-features" Content-Type header Content-Type: application/pidf+xml
Open Issues Units of measurements could also assume single default unit (m/s, m2/s) Restrict options for bearing and directionOfObject to <vector> others (compass point) can be translated to angles or are not interopable (DirectionKeyword) How to indicate use of dynamic feature PIDF-LO in HELD?
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Multiple Moving Object Elements Watchers may request to receive multiple location vector objects together Use of <timed-status> to transfer multiple location vector objects <tuple> <status> <gp:geopriv> .......... </gp:geopriv> </status> <timestamp>.....</timestamp> <timed-status from="some time" until="some time"> <gp:geopriv> ............ </gp:geopriv> <gp:geopriv> ........... </gp:geopriv> </timed-status> </tuple> <tuple> ....... </tuple>
Alternatives Considered Could use <MovingObjectStatus> or its parent element <track> from GML’s dynamicFeature.xsd But… Backward compatibility problems OR <location> appears twice tuple 1 status geopriv 1 location-info movingobjectstatus location speed location-info geopriv 2 old system won’t find <location> duplicate <location> - mandatory below <movingobjectstatus> tuple 1 status geopriv 1 location-info location movingobjectstatus location speed geopriv 2 http://www.geoplace.com/uploads/FeatureArticle/0603gml.asp