TERMS DIFINING PARTS OF THE SHIP HULL : The main body of the ship is called Hull. It is divided in to three parts (a) Forward Part (b) Midship Part (c) Afte Part Term Applied to the Hull Stem : The foremost part of the ship Stern : The aftermost part of the ship
TERMS DEFINING PARTS OF THE SHIP Fore and Aft : Any line which run length ways in the ship Decks : The continuous horizontal surface running throughout the ship Flats/Platform : Those horizontal surface which are not continuous are called decks. Freeboard : The height of upper deck from waterline Draught : The depth of keel below waterline
TERMS DEFINING PARTS OF THE SHIP Beam : The greatest width of the hull Camber : The curve given to the surface of the deck so that water will drain away to the ship side. Flare : When the ship’s side curves outwards above the waterline . Tumble home : When the ship’s side curves inwards above the waterline Upper deck : it is also called weather deck is exposed to outside atmosphere
TERMS DEFINING PARTS OF THE SHIP Important fittings: Mast Anchor Jack Staff Capstan Break Water Accommodation ladder Davits Funnel Guardrail Doors/Hatches
TERMS DEFINING PARTS OF THE SHIP Important Parts of a Ship : Foxle Quarter deck Flag Deck Bridge ASP Engine Room/MCR MSB MSO OPS ROOM Mess Deck
TERMS DEFINING PARTS OF THE SHIP Galley Ward Room Gang way Cat walk Sick Bay Magazines Helo Deck Conclusion : A ship is constructed in such a way that it becomes a home away from home for a sea man. On board a ship company can stay comfortably and carry on their duty.
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