Awards and Recognition Ceremony 2017 People to People Awards and Recognition Ceremony Washington D.C., September 23, 2017 “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?” – Martin Luther King Jr.
2017 People to People Awards and Recognition Categories I. LIFE-TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD II. EMERGING LEADER - MEDICAL PROFESSION III. DISTINGUISHED COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD IV. SPECIAL RECOGNITION - HUMANITARIAN WORK GUEST OF HONOR Professor David H. Shinn Former US Ambassador to Ethiopia MODERATOR Professor Meskerem Tadesse Chair, 2017 P2P Awards Committee
LIFE-TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 2017 Distinguished Honoree Dr. Frances T Lester Pioneer, Dedicated & Compassionate Physician, Educator, Researcher,
LIFE-TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 2017 Distinguished Honoree Accepting The Award for Dr. Lester: Dr. Elias Siraj
Frances T Lester, MD One of the Pioneers and Giants of Diabetes Care and Research in Ethiopia
Yekatit 12 Hospital (and Medical College)
Her Association with Dr Peters Biochemist at Gondar College of Medical Sciences The frequency of islet cell surface antibodies in newly diagnosed diabetics from Ethiopia. W H Peters, F T Lester, K D Kohnert, W Hildmann Exp Clin Endocrinol Aug 1986 (Vol. 87, Issue 3, Pages 326-32) The serum amino acid spectrum of insulin- dependent diabetics and controls from Ethiopia. W H Peters, F T Lester, H Lubs Exp Clin Endocrinol Aug 1988 (Vol. 91, Issue 3, Pages 271-6)
Her Association with Professor Jemal Abdulkadir Lester FT, Abdulkadir J, Larsen D, Quaana P. Diabetes mellitus – clinical features in Ethiopians. Ethiop Med J 1976;14:185-98.
Diabetes Care, Vol 16, Issue 1 187-192, Copyright © 1993 by American Diabetes Association A search for malnutrition- related diabetes mellitus among Ethiopian patients FT Lester Department of Medicine, Yekatit 12 Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Long-standing diabetes mellitus in ethiopia: A survey of 105 patients Journal: Diabetologia Publisher: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg September 1983 F. T. Lester Department of Medicine, Yekatit 12 Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
EMERGING LEADER / RISING STAR AWARD 2017 Distinguished Honoree Dr. Dawit Wondimagegn Gebreamlak Chief Executive Director of the College of Health Sciences
DISTINGUISHED COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD Ato Wondu Bekele Woldemariam 2017 Distinguished Honoree People Ato Wondu Bekele Woldemariam General Manager of Mathiwos Wondu -YeEthiopia Cancer Society
Ato Benyam Belete 2017 People to People SPECIAL RECOGNITION - HUMANITARIAN WORK Ato Benyam Belete Founder of MEKEDONIA Home for Elderly & Mentally Disabled Center, Addis Ababa Ethiopia
in Law from Bahr Dar University. Ato Benyam Belete Earning an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Law from Bahr Dar University.
Accepting The Award for Ato Benyam: Sister Martha Gebresilassie 2017 People to People Accepting The Award for Ato Benyam: Sister Martha Gebresilassie
For Exemplary Volunteer Service 2017 People to People “Unsung Hero” Award For Exemplary Volunteer Service
*** Thank You All *** “ What are you doing for others? ” And We Leave You with MLK’s Message: “ What are you doing for others? ”