Aim What is the ‘Global Shift’ ? 5 mins Aim What is the ‘Global Shift’ ? Learning Outcomes A* - To explain with detail how the distribution of the global economic centre of gravity in manufacturing and services has changed, and what it looks like today (India, China) – comparing what this means for the developed and emerging world. A - To explain with detail how the distribution of the global economic centre of gravity in manufacturing and services has changed, and what it looks like today (India, China) –commenting on what this means for the developed and emerging world. B - To explain how the distribution of the global economic centre of gravity in manufacturing and services has changed, and what it looks like today (India, China). Mini Starter - define the global shift.
Winners and losers from the Global Economic Shift
What is this map showing?
What is this map showing?
Rapid urbanisation in developing countries esp. China Calculations show that the centre is rapidly shifting east- at a speed of 140 kilometres a year (faster than ever before) What’s the reason? Rapid urbanisation in developing countries esp. China As people are moving into cities many are becoming richer, driving further economic growth Most of the growth will not occur in much- hyped megacities e.g. Mumbai or Shanghai But in “middleweight cities” e.g. Foshan (China’s 7th largest city) or Surat (India’s capital for synthetic textiles) World’s economic centre of gravity is shifting east
2 mins Economic Activity… Study the images. Can you remember the 4 sectors of employment? Key words The global shift Manufacturing Services Production lines Investment Workshop of the world Industrialised
The Global Shift Make a prediction… (a bit of a recap!) 5 mins The Global Shift Make a prediction… (a bit of a recap!) What has happened to the global distribution of services (tertiary) and manufacturing (secondary) employment over the past 50 years?
20 mins The Global Shift The 'global economic shift' refers to the global relocation of industries since the 1960's. Many have headed from Europe and North America to Asia and South America. What is the global shift? Outline how the shift began and continued? What helped to accelerate the global shift? What are the main industries that have shifted? What has the global shift meant for China and SE Asia? A*/ A aim high - compare what the global shift has meant for emerging economies compared to developed economies Describe the change in FDI over time (Figure 1) Aim high challenge: what impacts has this change in FDI had on different areas of the world? Tip: consider scales
5 mins The Global Shift In pairs – make a mind map of the reasons behind outsourcing of services to India, and manufacturing to China? What helped to accelerate the global shift? What has the global shift meant for China and SE Asia?
Please read through the Geo fact file and then answer the following questions. Ensure you include specific detail and explanation. Define: Footloose industry Cumulative causation Outsourcing BPO MNC What is the main service industry that has been outsourced to India? Where are the major concentrations of services? What has been India’s success story (include data) What are the main reasons for the success of offshoring of the service industry in India? Evaluate the impact that this outsourcing has had on India. Consider positive and negative impacts for people, the environment and different scales. Find your own article on pollution in Asia and write a Point, Evidence and Explained paragraph on how it links to globalisation Watch this video about workers in Bangalore, India and this clip here about Shijit Nair.
Example: Guangdong Province Example: Guangdong Province
Global outsourcing of manufacturing to China. Watch this video and see if you can add any more to your handout
What about the future? Shrijit Nair Shrijit Nair
10 mins Plenary Explain the trend behind this graph (Figure 1). Why has this change happened since 1970? Use data in your answer Self Assess Trend – what does it show (1) use data to support (1) Explain reason (1) explain another reason (2) Cheaper Laws, SEZs Containerisation Internet NICs