Welcome to the 7th grade component of the Get Real comprehensive sex education classes. What do you remember from 6th grade?
Creating the Classroom Climate Media Literacy and Sexuality 7th Grade Lessons: Creating the Classroom Climate Media Literacy and Sexuality Sexual Identity Creating a Safe School Environment Deciding About Sexual Behavior
6. Defining and Maintaining Abstinence 7. Introduction to Sexually Transmitted Infections 8. Introduction to Protection Methods
What should our class Rights and Responsibilities look like? What rights do you need to have in order to feel safe talking about body changes and sexual health? What would you need to do to help classmates feel safe talking about body changes and sexual health? What responsibilities can you agree to take on for the class to be successful?
Did We Get Them All? Be respected Feel positive about your sexuality Feel embarrassed Pass Be heard Express your opinions Ask questions Not have assumptions made about you Privacy Confidentiality Use appropriate language
Anonymous Question Box Protocol You will all be given a slip of paper at the beginning of each of our class sessions You may write any question you have about the topics being covered in class or about sexuality in general. At the end of the period I will collect all questions. If you don’t have a question, an alternate prop will be given to you. *Everyone should write something on the slip of paper and place it in the box in order to preserve anonymity.
Are you someone who knows the difference between sex and sexuality? “Sexuality” is a fundamental aspect of being human throughout life. It grows and changes over time and is dependent upon each individual person’s understanding of themselves and others.
Sexuality includes, but is not limited to: Sexual behaviors, sexual relationships, and intimacy How people express themselves (including the way they talk, dress, and relate to others) Values, beliefs, and attitudes Whom people are attracted to (sexual orientation) Changes bodies go through during puberty
Sexuality continued Whether or not and how people choose to have children How people feel about the way they look Who people are as individuals The way people treat others
Biological Sex vs Sexual Behavior Biological sex refers to the fact that humans are born male, female, or intersex. It has to do with how human bodies are made (involving chromosomes, reproductive organs, external genitalia and hormones). Sexual behavior usually involves touching oneself or another person in ways that stimulate sexual feelings and pleasure.
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Self-awareness: recognizing your feelings and values, maintaining self-confidence, being aware of what makes you individual and unique. Self-management: Expressing emotions appropriately, monitoring progress toward goals.
SELs continued Social awareness: Understanding others and being able to put yourself in another person’s shoes; recognizing individual and group differences and similarities; finding and using family, school, and community resources, understanding the difference between fiction and reality.
SELs continued Relationship skills: Establishing healthy relationships, resisting social pressure, dealing with conflict, seeking help when needed. Responsible decision-making: Making good decisions keeping yourself healthy and safe, respecting yourself and others.
Review of Male & Female Reproductive systems