Manajemen leptospirosis berat


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Presentation transcript:

Manajemen leptospirosis berat Gangguan ginjal akut Perdarahan paru M. Hussein Gasem

Manajemen pasien Leptospirosis (3) Pasien dengan disfungsi multi-organ Terapi suportif Keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit Diuretika pada keadaan oliguri Transfusi darah (trombosit atau PRC) Ventilator utk pasien ARDS, perdarahan paru Dialisis (hemodialisis atau peritoneal dialisis)

Tatalaksana AKI pada Leptospirosis OVERHIDRASI DEHIDRASI ATN STADIUM OLIGOURI rehidrasi diuretika forced diuresis STADIUM DIURESIS (POLIURI) STADIUM OLIGOURI DIALISIS Dwi Lestari 2007

Mortality according to treatment group Door-to-dialysis time (from ICU admission to the initiation to dialysis) Mortality according to treatment group Delayed, alternate day dialysis Prompt and daily dialysis Andrade et al. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol2:739-44, 2007

Disfungsi organ/komplikasi pada Leptospirosis berat (n: 87) # Ginjal (AKI , oligurik or non-oligurik) 87 (100) Hepar (hiperbilirubinemia / icterus) Hematologi (trombositopenia, dg/ tanpa ganguan koagulasi , DIC¥) 85 (98) Kardiovaskuler (kelainan EKG, gagal jantung, syok dll) 74 (87) Gastrointestinal (“pankreatitis” , hematemesis, melena) 16 (19) Pulmo (perdarahan paru, ARDS dll) 5 (6) Mata (perdarahan retina, uveitis) 4 (5) Serebral (gangguang kesadaran, perdarahan otak) Note: Semua dikonfirmasi dg MAT; 18 pasian dg Lepto DriDot saja. MH Gasem dkk (2008)

Pulmonary involvement Pulmonary hemorrhage has been increasingly reported Lepto patients with PH highest mortality rates (50-70%) Clinical signs vary : sudden increase of RR to impending RF ARDS, chest pain, low Hb/Ht, hemoptysis not always found Clinical manifestation as CAP  caused by Leptospira sp Pulmonary involvement Histopathology (autopsy): diffuse intra-alveolar hemorrhage with or without alveolar damage Pathogenesis is not well understood Leptospirosis pulmonary hemorrhage syndrome (LPHS) Severe pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome (SPHS)

Corticosteroid in pulmonary leptospirosis including pulmonary hemorrhage methylprednisolone 1000 mg/hari selama 3 hari, iv bolus dilanjutkan dengan 1 mg/kgBB/hari oral Shenoy et al. Postgrad Med J 2006;82:602–606