I. Prosperity Decade: The 1920s A. The New Woman in Politics 1. Women Organize Politically 2. NWP and Equal Rights Amendment 3. Women Officeholders 4. End to Unity of Women's Movement 5. Political Conservatism
I. Prosperity Decade: The 1920s B. Women at Work 1. Extent of Workforce Participation 2. Gender Discrimination 3. “Women’s” Fields 4. Women of Color
I. Prosperity Decade: The 1920s C. The New Woman in the Home 1. “Flappers” 2. Mothers and “Affectionate Family” 3. Consumer Role 4. Birth Control and Sexuality
II. Depression Decade: The 1930s A. At Home in Hard Times 1. Impact of Depression on Working-Class and Farm Families 2. Women in the Depression B. Women and Work 1. Attitudes toward Married Working Women 2. Workforce Participation
II. Depression Decade: The 1930s C. Women's New Deal 1. New Deal Discrimination against Women 2. New Deal and Labor 3. Helping Women 4. Social Security Act
III. Working for Victory: Women and War, 1941–1945 A. Women in the Military 1. Women in Armed Forces 2. Segregation 3. Public Reaction to Women in Uniform 4. WASPS
III. Working for Victory: Women and War, 1941–1945 B. Working Women in Wartime 1. Changes in Employer Willingness to Hire Women 2. Women’s Participation 3. National War Labor Board Equal Pay Order 4. War and Minority Women
III. Working for Victory: Women and War, 1941–1945 C. War and Everyday Life 1. Sexual Behavior 2. Managing Households 3. Impact of War’s End