Title Presenter Credentials Use this template for your in-track and workshop presentations to facilitate downloading documents for participants. Thank you in advance AANP does not allow the use of logos within the slide presentation (this includes propriety logos and personal logos) with the following exceptions: 1) Logos from a proprietary entity that is involved in a development of a clinical guideline may be used when referenced (e.g., the American Diabetes Association or National Kidney Foundation). 2) Faculty associated university logos will be allowed on the introduction slide only. Please delete this text box after reading. Title Presenter Credentials
Disclosure I disclose that I have no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests OR I disclose the following relevant relationships: (Please list commercial interest(s) and nature of relationship(s)
Objectives Posters and In-track sessions require 3 objectives Workshops require 5 objectives Learning objectives should focus on what the learner can expect to get out of your presentation. Refer to Blooms Taxonomy link for more information: https://tips.uark.edu/using-blooms-taxonomy/ SMART goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-based By the end of the session, participants will be able to: differentiate the various types of insulin used in the patient with diabetes. identify 3 interventions to improve medication adherence. demonstrate at least 3 skills of an effective presentation. Please remove after reading.
CEU You do not have to wait until you get home to start earning your CEU! At the end of this presentation, you may access the evaluation form online at canpweb.org.