What’s in a Name? Essential/Critical/Transferable/Soft Skills 2017 SDIC Regional Counselor Conference Donna Davis, Faculty Director Career Studies &


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What’s in a Name? Essential/Critical/Transferable/Soft Skills 2017 SDIC Regional Counselor Conference Donna Davis, Faculty Director Career Studies & Services, MiraCosta College

Does it matter what we call them? “Essential” – a term being used by San Diego County College & Career Readiness Consortium http://sdeportal.org/educator/essential_skills “Critical” – a term adopted by industry (Forbes, Inc.) and education (Harvard Bus Rev, NYU) “Transferable” – a term signifying the skills transfer across courses, industries, careers “Soft” to distinguish from “hard” or technical skills What other terms have you heard?

Does it matter that we teach them? Employers, educators, and students perceptions differ – markedly. http://www.jff.org/sites/default/files/Employability%20Skills%20Infographic%201.23.17.pdf

Overview Present the skills and resources available from four online career preparation sites List the skills each has determined as “essential” Provide an overview of related research Review the types of resources available Videos, Lesson Plans, Lessons, Activities, Assessments

Which skills are we talking about? From which online career sites?

What skills are we talking about?

NACE: National Association of Colleges & Employers http://www.naceweb.org/career-readiness/competencies/career-readiness-defined/ Lists and defines 8 “career readiness competencies” Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Oral/Written Communications Teamwork/Collaboration Digital Technology Leadership Professionalism/Work Ethic Career Management Global/Intercultural Fluency

NACE offers suggestions for why and how to use the competencies NACE’s competencies developed “through a task force of college career services and HR/staffing professionals, … based on extensive research among employers …. (Details about the research are available here.)” NACE offers suggestions for why and how to use the competencies Provide a common vocabulary when discussing metrics On campus and across campuses When advising students With employers and internship supervisors NACE provides links to member-generated resources, such as those found at the links on the following slides


http://www.naceweb.org/career-readiness/competencies/sample-materials/ Uploaded by Florida Atlantic University: http://www.naceweb.org/uploadedfiles/files/2016/career-readiness-resources/nace-cr-resources-are-you-career-ready.pdf

New World of Work (NWoW) https://www. newworldofwork New World of Work (NWoW) https://www.newworldofwork.org/ Lists and defines 10 “21st century employability skills” Adaptability Analysis/Solution Mindset Collaboration Communication Digital Fluency Empathy Entrepreneurial Mindset Resilience Self-Awareness Social/Diversity Awareness

In 2012, NWoW team began tracking futurist projections and researching correlations between education and employment They “conducted a series of Skills Panels to gather feedback from employers, entrepreneurs, human resources specialists, educators, and students to determine the essential employability skills required in our emerging global economy.” Published in April 2014, the White Paper on NWoW Skills Panels can be found here

NWoW Content Two lessons per skill for a total of 20 lessons Lesson Plan in PDF and Word PowerPoint Presentation Supplementary Handouts One video per lesson What Not to Do (Lesson 1) Choose Your Own Ending Assessment (Lesson 2)

NWoW What Not to Do Videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWCjcrQpQiFY-7arlZhMhC_gF80BjKF0A

NWoW Assessment Videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWCjcrQpQiFZn9kWvXIKTnd-DOscOEs6A

NWoW Lesson Plans https://www. newworldofwork Lesson Plans (Must request via email.)

NWoW Lesson PPTs https://www. newworldofwork PowerPoint Lessons (Must request via email.)

California Career Cafe http://www. cacareercafe California Career Cafe http://www.cacareercafe.com/people-skills/ Lists and defines “Top 10 People Skills” Communicators Collaborators Positive Listeners Resilient Dedicated Organized Writers Solvers Leaders

CA Career Cafe Content Each skill section offers: Motivational, descriptive quote Video ranging from 1:38-5:48 “How Do You Rate?” Assessment Activity

CA Career Cafe Video Leadership skills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=YJkRxgxI7Ag

CareerSpots Skills Career Management Communications Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Digital Technology Global/Intercultural Fluency Leadership Professionalism/Work Ethic Teamwork/Collaboration

CareerSpots Unlike the other resources cited, CareerSpots is not open source/free Official CareerSpots site: https://www.careerspots.com/ MiraCosta College has a CareerSpots subscription. Preview it here: http://miracosta.edu/instruction/careerservices/index.html

CareerSpots Content Subscription-based videos 36 Job Search Videos 10 Internship & Co-op Videos 8 Career Ready (Skills) Videos Activity

CareerSpots Content Videos (54 on 3 “channels”) Video Quick Tips Summarize importance of skill Suggest ways to develop skill Video Transcripts Word for word transcript Includes speaker name, title, company

CareerSpots Video Global Fluency (http://miracosta.edu/instruction/careerservices/index.html)

Secret Bonus Material! More Essential Skills! Definitions, lessons, plans, videos, rubrics Introductory videos for faculty & students Free Linkedin Learning account for community college staff http://miracosta.edu/instruction/careerservices/forfaculty-softskills.html
