Operations and Programming Buffy Fowler, operations Coordinator Francine delany new school for children
Charter schools are public schools Being granted a charter to operate a public charter school comes along with a huge responsibility to the entire charter school community and the taxpayers of NC. Remember: We are public schools, every child has the right to attend and every child should have the support needed to choose your public charter school.
Your Mission Statement: Live by it! Francine Delany New School for Children, a public charter school in Western North Carolina, provides child-centered education emphasizing literacy, problem solving, appreciation of the arts, and commitment to the greater community thereby empowering each child to become a lifelong-learner.
Key Components of Mission Statement Child-centered: Individualized instruction Emphasizing Literacy: Curriculum materials Problem Solving: encompasses every aspect: math, discipline, assessments Commitment to the greater community: Social Justice Statement Empowering Students: Students taking responsibility in there learning and for their behavior and their role as part of the greater community.
Your belief statement Francine Delany New School for Children is an inclusive community that is committed to promoting social justice and preserving the inherent worth and human dignity of every person. As individuals and as a school we will: Practice fairness and equality for people of every race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, socio-economic status, religious belief, political view and other identities. Analyze multiple perspectives on historical and contemporary issues. Build a community of critical thinkers who are active in the world. We are committed to ongoing learning, raising awareness, and fostering dialogue around issues of social justice.
Targeted Population Our targeted population was to reflect the local LEA, Asheville City Schools. The Asheville City School population is the most diverse school system in Western North Carolina 0.1% American Indian, 1.2% Asian, 8% Hispanic, 22.8% Black, 61.2% White, 6.5% Two or more races, 0.2% Pacific Islander 43% Economically Disadvantaged
Key rationale for targeting this population: The Achievement Gap Our commitment to the greater community Our commitment to social justice
Obstacles Obstacles for this population to access a school outside their zoned school? Getting the word out; informing parents Transportation With a population of 43% EDS: LUNCH!
Why Our Schools? What makes my school attractive to the targeted population in YEAR 1? The Teachers-well known in the community Size Individual instruction Interaction with staff
Non-negotiables: Things that are a must in my budget to make sure I draw the targeted population and hold up our mission and beliefs. Transportation plan Lunch Quality teachers
Outside the box: When examining a budget think through where you can not only be thrifty but where can you find an outside the box lower cost solution? Or can an outside the box idea help you be truer to your mission? Lunch ideas Transportation plan Furnishing classrooms LEA warehouses