ICT for Water, Energy, Food nexus


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Presentation transcript:

ICT for Water, Energy, Food nexus (panel statement) Yannis Ioannidis ATHENA Research Center, Univ. of Athens, SDSN Greece PHOEBE

The success or failure of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will depend, in large part, upon effective monitoring. Well crafted indicators and high quality data will give governments, businesses, academia, and civil society the information they need to target resources, policies, and programs. Good quality data will enable us to track progress on our objectives over time, and to change course if we veer off track.   http://unsdsn.org/what-we-do/data-indicators-follow-up-review/

Data in many flavors Government Data Social Data Research Data Government agencies Policies Laws Studies … Social networking Social media Media …. Research Data Consumer Data Publications Data Protocols Methods Models Code …. Health data Company data Smart cities Smart agriculture Smart … everything

Example Initiative Collective Awareness PlatformS for Environmentally-sound Land management based on data technoLogies and Agrobiodiversity

CAPSELLA kick-off meeting, Athens, 28 & 29 January 2016 CAPSELLA Main Pillars Αυτά αντανακλώνται στους τρεις βασικούς πυλώνες του έργου μας CAPSELLA kick-off meeting, Athens, 28 & 29 January 2016

Community-driven project and participatory design Top down data integration: Community-driven project and participatory design Cloud based platform for community based initiatives Open data repositories on regional agrobiodiversity Data sets on agro-biodiversity and food domains Community-driven data powered ICT solutions Pilots with communities Incubation activities for selected pilots smallholders agriculture biodiversity food quality broader European public Bottom up data collection from local Communities Agro-biodiversity Awareness raising Local food knowledge CAPSELLA kick-off meeting, Athens, 28 & 29 January 2016

Compost in Precision Agriculture: How data come into play Farmcloud: open for researchers and tool developers CAPSELLA platform: contains index, metadata and content Connect Data Enrich Data Collect Data Community suggestions Open data Hackathon Support of universities Existing databases on compost and soil Field trials: scan, treat, sense, measure Add intelligence (tools & aps)

1 3 2 4 Additional challenge SDSN GreeCE – Opportunities & Challenges Identifying and collecting data 1 3 Thematic Priorities Open Data Initiative Data spans many and diverse data sources Both inside and outside Greece Additional challenge Must be a participatory effort with clearly defined roles & responsibilities Government Open Data policy INot adequate e-Infrastructure 2 4 Scientific Data Data Culture Individual university/research organization repositories No (open) data policies Emerging national e-Infrastructure (HELIX) Lack of incentives for data stewardship No investment in data skills

Re-using Data & Technologies From OPENAIRE Open Science policies Research analytics / Science impact indicators OpenAIRE is about Changing the Scholarly Communication paradigm Monitoring, reporting, visualizing linked Open Science entities Connecting scientific and scholarly work, even cross-domain Connecting people - 33 National Open Access Desks in Europe

Commitment & synergies For SDSN Greece Identify data sources Feasibility study on data access and data retrieval Select from existing OpenAIRE data Provide a community view USE OpenAIRE’s analytics services Find entities, relationships, … make the connections Provide a portal for the community With intelligent access, curation services Establish procedures Standards, best practices (e.g., FAIR data, open data) Establish additional infrastructure Trusted repositories, people Commitment & synergies