P R S A C O L L E G E O F F E L L O WS Why Not You? -o2 0u1 8
Fellows Eligibility Current PRSA member. 20 years public relations experience. APR - Accredited in Public Relations. Superior professional achievement, service and leadership, role model, mentor.
A P P L I C A T I O N D E A D L I N E - M A Y 3 , 2 0 1 8 Honorary organization. Leaders in the profession, chapter, community. Role models who teach, serve, speak, mentor. A P P L I C A T I O N D E A D L I N E - M A Y 3 , 2 0 1 8
Fellows Application Thoughtful. Rigorous. TEXT OR IMAGE Thoughtful. Rigorous. Challenging. Career-affirming. Rewarding.
Learn more GoodFellows Induction Dinner Free, confidential coach familiar with the selection process. Request deadline is March 15. Induction Dinner International Conference Oct. 5-9, 2018 Austin, Texas
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Our Purpose M I S S I O N V I S I O N The College of Fellows adds value to PRSA members by providing, encouraging and soliciting achievement, superior knowledge, ethical leadership and advocacy that supports communication professionals, with a special focus on mentoring, as they continue to progress through their careers. V I S I O N The College of Fellows celebrates accomplished PRSA members whose careers are recognized as the profession’s highest level of ethical and strategic communication, and whose mentoring, leadership and service inspires and motivates others in the workplace, classroom and community.