Tap Open
Backing Track Studio (BTS) will open and should look like this
You may be supplied with this SD card already loaded with music files or you may need to load them from emailed files or from HDH website Insert the mini SD card into the SD card slot on the side of the tablet
Press it in until it clicks in place and put cover back over
Click OK
Using the term script book for the term of music you want to put into BTS, go to the page with themes for each week. The theme headings correspond to the playlists you will create, ie Week 1 Rainy Windy Day Week 2 Nursery Rhyme Day etc etc
With BTS app open, tap on Manage
For each Theme you do the same procedure to enter playlists. Tap on New Playlist
Type in the New Playlist name which will start with HDH T2 WK In these examples we are doing Term 2 themes so we type HDH T2 and the Week. Each week is a different theme. For Week 1 type in: HDH T2 WK 1 Rainy Windy Day
When you have typed in the theme name, tap OK
Next tap on the menu icon
Tap on Explore
Tap Up
Tap Up again
Tap extSdCard
As this example is to set up song lists for HDH Term 2 you now tap on HDH Term 2 mp3s
Tap on the Theme for the week you want, in this case Rainy Windy Day MP3
This will open all the songs for Windy Rainy Day You now tap on the folder+ icon in the top RH corner to save these to the playlist you created. A message will appear at the bottom of the screen saying that the songs have been saved to your playlist
Next tap on the menu icon and choose Play and the songs should all appear and be able to be played however at this stage it’s a check to see that they have loaded.
Loaded playlist ready to play
Now repeat the process to load the next weeks theme. Tap the menu, choose Manage Tap New Playlist
Enter the next weeks theme and tap OK Continue as before Tap menu and choose Explore Tap up Tap up again Tap extSdCard Tap HDH Term 2 MP3s Tap on the next weeks theme, ie Nursery Rhymes Day Tap on the folder+ icon Tap Menu and choose Play to check its loaded Repeat all steps for each theme
To select a theme for a session Tap the Menu and choose Manage
Highlight by tapping on the theme you want to use Then tap the menu and choose Play
The chosen theme song playlist will be display To play tap on the song, it will play until finished though you can pause it. The song will finish and remain highlighted until the next song is chosen The next song will not play until chosen and play is tapped
Volume can be adjusted with the buttons on the side of the tablet. The volume can also be adjusted on the UE Boom
While on a Play page you need to tap on the Setting icon in top RH corner
Change Keep Screen On to Always Change Font size to big, this makes the Songs list, stop, play/pause and skip buttons larger or bigger if you choose