How can we help our children PSED in Reception How can we help our children
What is PSED ? Personal, Social & Emotional Development Forms one of the three key prime areas of development. These underpin all learning in EYFS.
Areas of learning with PSED Making relationships Self-confidence Managing their feelings & behaviours Being independent
Making Relationships…. Children are learning to: form new friendships play co-operatively take turns take account of others thoughts and feelings resolve conflicts independently find compromises
Self Confidence…. Children are learning to: speak openly about their needs and feelings describe themselves in positive terms say when things are wrong or have upset them tell their peers how they feel give things a go and try first
Managing feelings…. Children are learning to: to manage their needs and feelings when interacting with their peers. adjust to different learning environments take changes in routine in their stride follow instructions straight away
How can you help…. Please encourage your child to be more independent They need to make mistakes and know that it is ok to do so. This can be through allowing them to: get themselves dressed (they will need sufficient time in the morning!) brush their own teeth wipe their own bottom after using the toilet getting a tissue and then wiping their own nose do their own zips up and put their own shoes on
How can you help (cont)…. Referring to Building Learning Power Pets…. Sensible Squirrel Caring Caterpillar Responsible Rabbit Tough Tortoise Team Ant Wise Owl
Responsible Rabbit….. Responsibility Taking responsibility for own actions & words. Looking after own belongings. Taking care with other people’s belongings. Making good ‘learning choices’ in the classroom / outdoors. Enjoying learning new things. Trying to find out for themselves.
Tough Tortoise….. Resilience Trying things out for themselves … then trying again! Never give up. Learning from our mistakes. Being focused with our learning choices – finishing a task. Concentrating well and noticing how well they are achieving .
Sensible Squirrel….. Resourcefulness Trying to find out for themselves. Making good use of the resources to support learning. Being confident to ask questions. Being able to explore and find out answers for themselves. Making connections with pervious experiences.
Wise Owl….. Reflectiveness Leaning from our mistakes. Thinking before we act / do / say something to someone else. Being fully engaged in tasks and being able to say why they have chosen that particular task. Developing a love for leaning something new.
Team Ant….. Reciprocity Being a good listener. Like working in a team with others Being able to work independently as well. Sharing ideas and appreciating other people’s ideas too.
Caring Caterpillar….. Respect Thinking about others feelings. Understanding that everyone is different. Always being helpful. Always being kind. Always using gentle hands.
Our School Community During the first term in reception we also focus on developing the children’s confidence by encouraging them to become part of our whole school community. We gradually introduce them to: Y6 buddies – they meet once a week in FS and once a week at circle group meetings. Buddies share reading books, complete maths games and play together. Y6 playleaders – Y6 children apply for various roles of responsibility around school and one of these is to be a play leader on the infant playground at lunchtimes. This role involves supporting the children with finding friends to play with and learning new games to play. Circle Group Meetings – Y6 collect their buddies from their classroom on Thursday afternoons and take them to their circle group meeting with other children from each class and a member of staff. Celebration Assembly – Children in reception join our weekly Celebration Assembly on Fridays where certificates are given out each week to children who have their name in the gold book.
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