WIFI: SMG-Guests Uname: Events Pword: Events Slack: #rse17 / Twitter: #RSE17 Email: rse2017@rse.ac.uk http://rse.ac.uk/conf2017
Welcome to Day 2 of the Second Conference of Research Software Engineers
#RSE18 Extremely likely to be during the first two weeks of September 2018 We will be looking for a conference committee in November/December We are looking for a chair now Talk to me over today if you are interested
Election Results 3rd Place : Iain Bethune (46 votes) 2nd Place : Andy Turner (56 votes) 1st Place : Tania Allard (60 votes)
B Talks Free A Talks C Work/Tut Main entrance / exit D Work/Tut E Work/Tut D Work/Tut Free Main entrance / exit
C D E 3 4 5
Thank you for attending the Second Conference of Research Software Engineers http://rse.ac.uk/conf2017/feedback
Thanks to the staff at MOSI, especially Bryony http://rse.ac.uk/conf2017/feedback
Thank you to the Conference Crew Extra special thanks to Claire As computers are just heaters without software, so a conference is just a crowd without a conference crew Thank you to the Conference Crew Extra special thanks to Claire
Looking forward to seeing you at #RSE18 Safe journey home… Looking forward to seeing you at #RSE18 (organising committee call Nov/Dec) So long, and thanks for all the fish