The Virgin Birth of Jesus Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Canada Bible Club Series The Virgin Birth of Jesus Bible Doctrines-3
The Bible teaches and we believe that: Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. He was born of a virgin. The virgin birth confirms Christ’s Deity and clearly distinguishes Him as the only sinless man conceived without Adamic depravity. The Bible teaches and we believe that:
Focal Scriptures A Verse to memorize A passage to read Isaiah 7:14 (KJV) Emphasis must be placed on the use of the KJV because some other versions used a young woman which may not necessarily mean a virgin A passage to read Matthew 1:18-25 Focal Scriptures
Witnesses to the Virgin Birth Matthew told us Mary was found with child before she knew any man (Matthew 1:18). Luke said Mary was a virgin (Luke 1:34). Jesus was conceived of the Holy Ghost, therefore He is called the Son of God (Genesis 3:15; Luke 1:35). Prophet Isaiah prophesied that a virgin shall conceive (Isaiah 7:14). Witnesses to the Virgin Birth
Further-more… Jesus had no earthly father (Hebrews 7:3; Matthew 1:20). The testimony of scriptures shows that His conception occurred more than three months before Joseph took Mary as his wife (Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:38-39, 56). There was no argument about Christ’s Virgin Birth during the early church. If it was not true, Paul would not be bold to mention that Jesus had a Virgin Birth (Galatians 4:4). Further-more…
Everybody must be clear about this one fact… Mary herself said she was a virgin at the time of her conception (Luke 1:34) Everybody must be clear about this one fact…
Why should God become a man? Man fell into sin; lost God’s glory. Hence in need of redemption (Romans 1:23) Without the shedding of blood, there would be no remission of sins (Hebrews 9:22) Since it is impossible for the blood of bulls and rams to take away the sins of man (Hebrews 10:4), then we need the blood of a sinless man to be shed for the sins of all. Adam began procreation in his own likeness, after his image, making all men sinners (Genesis 5:3) Why should God become a man?
All men should rather appreciate God’s mercy… All men were born into sin and no man was qualified to die for another (Psalm 49:7) God came in the flesh to die on our behalf since He has the power to lay down His life and take it back again (John 10:17,18) This is in agreement with both the Old and New Testament records (Genesis 3:15; John1:14). All men should rather appreciate God’s mercy…
A story narrated in 7 steps In 1981, a young lady was picked up for speeding and was brought before the judge. The judge said, "Guilty or not guilty?" and she said, "Guilty." The judge fined her $100 or 10 days (in prison), after which an amazing thing took place. The judge stood up, took off his robe, placed it over the back of the chair, went down in front, and paid the fine. He was a just judge. His daughter had broken the law. No matter how much he loved his daughter, he had to say $100 or 10 days. But he loved her enough, he was willing to go down, and take the penalty upon himself, and pay it. This is a clear illustration of what God has revealed through His Holy Word. God loves us. Christ died for us. A story narrated in 7 steps
The scriptures confirm that the sin nature (Adamic nature) is passed down from generation to generation through the father (Romans 5:12, 17, 19). The Virgin Birth circumvented the transmission of the sin nature and allowed the eternal God to become a perfect sinless man (John 1:14). Jesus had to be born in such a way that He had no sin nature, so He could die to redeem us back to God (Hebrews 7:26). In Conclusion