Law #12: The Law of Empowerment Welcome Welcome to our Leadership Session today. Joyce McMurran or add image
Only empowered people can reach their potential. Leaders create an environment of empowerment. 2
“Only Secure Leaders Give Power to Others” Most Leaders approach people in one of two ways: Share Henry FORD Story: In 1914 For was producing nearly 50% of all autos in US But they only offered only 1 design; by 1931, market share was only 28% Henry Ford (HF) continually undermined his leaders & looked over their shoulders, checked up on them & became eccentric. Henry once said, “If a guy works for you, don’t let him get too comfortable. Don’t let him get cozy, always do the opposite of what he expects.” Henrys’ son, Edsel took over as President but HF again undermined him; then Edsel died in 1943 Edsel’s son, Henry Ford II (26) took over company Company at that point was losing over $1 million a day! By 1949 HFII had turned it around - He was a secure leader whereas Henry felt threatened To be an encouraging leader, you have to be willing to take chances on people. 1. They test people’s worthiness, then empower them. 2. They empower people first, then discover their worth. 3
Barriers to Empowerment There are three main barriers to 1. Desire for job security 2. Resistance to change 3. Lack of self worth When a leader won’t or can’t empower others, he creates barriers within the organization that people can not overcome. Leadership analysts affirm that ‘the empowerment leadership model shifts away from ‘positon power’ where all people are given leadership roles so they can contribute to their fullest capacity.” How are you creating an environment of empowerment? “The people’s capacity to achieve is determined by their leader’s ability to empower.” ~John C. Maxwell 4
Desire for Job Security A weak leader worries that if he helps subordinates, he will become dispensable. If you are able to continually empower others and help them develop so that they become capable of taking over your job, you will become so valuable to the organization that you become indispensable. That is the paradox of the Law of Empowerment! The people’s capacity to achieve is determined by their leader’s ability to empower. Empowering leaders lift people to a higher level. The only way to make yourself indispensable is to make yourself dispensable. “Great things happen when you don’t care who gets the credit.” ~Mark Twain
Fear of the unknown holds back your potential. Resistance to Change Effective leaders are not only willing to change; they become change agents. Fear of the unknown holds back your potential. By its very nature, empowerment beings constant change because it encourages people to grow and innovate. Most people don’t like change. Yet on of the most important responsibilities of leaders is to continually improve their organizations. As a leader, you must train yourself to embrace change, to desire it, to make a way for it. Change is the price of progress! Empowerment brings change because it encourages people to grow and innovate. 6
Lack of Self Worth Self-conscious people are rarely good leaders. Many people gain their personal value and esteem from their work or position. Threaten to change either of them, and you threaten their self worth. Buck Rogers said, “To those who have confidence in themselves, change is a stimulus because they believe one person can make a difference and influence what goes on around them. These people are the doers and motivators.” They are also the empowers… They focus on themselves and what others think. They can’t give power to others because they feel they have no power themselves.
Living the ‘Law of Empowerment’ A key to empowering others is a high belief in people. Look for your people’s positive qualities and strengths. Never underestimate the power of an encouraging word. The truth is that empowerment is powerful-not only for the person being developed, but also for the mentor. Enlarging others makes you larger. Example: Lincoln - his ability to empower played a major role in his relationship with his generals during the Civil War. To push people down, you have to go down with them. There are no limits to success when we do not limit people. “The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.” ~Theodore Roosevelt
Reflections I shared my authority with ___________________________ by empowering him or her to:_________________________ ________________________________________________ How did you encourage this person? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Find one situation in which you can share your authority with someone else. It could be letting your child plan a family event for the weekend or giving someone on your team authority over project. Then answer the questions throughout the week in order to evaluate your experience. How did you help them grow as a leader? __________________________________________
Bibliography Rath, Tom and Conchie, Barry. Strengths Based Leadership; Gallup Press, 2008. Maxwell, John C. Everyone Communicates, Few Connect; Thomas Nelson Publishers. 2010 Maxwell, John C. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership; Thomas Nelson, Publishers, 1998 Bennis, Warren. Learning to Lead: A Workbook on Becoming a Leader; Perseus Books/Addison Wesley, 1997 Maxwell, John C. The 21 Most Powerful Minutes in a Leaders Day; Thomas Nelson, Inc. 2000