Story of my research Once upon a time researchers believed that…... But then I thought that maybe … So what I did was … and discovered that … which has changed the way that we ….. Source: Dr Lucia Thesen (2010) Workshop: "The Purpose of an Abstract: From Idea to Article" at the university of Cape town 20th September 2010.
My Research Process Think! Analyse! Write!
On Thinking…! “Good thinkers solve problems, they never lack ideas” “The joy is in creating, not maintaining” “When your thinking is unlimited, so is your potential” “You cannot grow unless you are willing to change. Change your thinking, change your life” …Extracts from “How successful people think”, by John Maxwell
Some bitter truths about thinking…! Creative thinking is not automatic… Good thinking is difficult… “Thinking is hard work, that is why so few do it” Albert Innovative thinking worth the investment.. …Extracts from “How successful people think”, by John Maxwell
How to be a good thinker.. Expose yourself to good materials Spend time with good thinkers Choose to think good thoughts Find a place to think your thoughts Fine tune your thoughts (i.e. put them in writing) “learning to write is learning to think” “you don’t know anything clearly unless you can state in writing Act on your thoughts Repeat the process of good thinking …Extracts from “How successful people think”, by John Maxwell