What time is it?
Remember! - if you want to talk about events that have happened between 1 or 14 minutes and between 16 or 29 use the past; if you want to talk about events that have happened between 31 or 44 minutes and between 46 or 59 use the to; if you want to talk about events that have happened in 30 minutes use the half past; - if you want to talk about events that have happened in 15 minutes or 45 use the quarter past or quarter to.
For example It's six o'clock. - Зараз шоста година. It's six (o'clock) sharp. - Зараз шоста година рівно. It's half past six. - Зараз опів на сьому (половина після шести). It's a quarter past six. - Зараз чверть на шосту (15 хвилин після шести). It's a quarter tо seven. - Зараз за чверть сьома (без 15 хвилин сім). It's five minutes past seven. - Зараз п'ять хвилин на восьму (п'ять хвилин після семи). It's five minutes to seven. - Зараз за п'ять хвилин сьома година.
But!!! Write Read At 6 At six o'clock 6.15 p.m. At a quarter past six in the evening 6.30 p.m. At half past six in the evening 6.45 a.m. At a quarter to seven in the morning Remember! a. m. = in the morning \ p. m. = in the evening
“That' right… or That's wrong…” Example: 6.00 - It's six o'clock. - That' right. It's six o'clock. 7.1 5 - It' a quarter to 7. That's wrong. It's a quarter past seven. 1) 4.00 - It‘s four o'clock. 2) 4.30 - It‘s a quarter past five. 3) 6.15 - It‘s a quarter past six. 4) 7.45 - It‘s a quarter to eight. 5) 11.45 - It‘s a quarter past ten. 6) 12.10 - It‘s ten minutes past twelve. 7) 10.30 - It‘s half past ten. 8) 11.05 - It‘s five minutes past eleven. 9) 5.45 - It‘s a quarter past five. 10) 11.30- It‘s half past eleven.
Let's check 1 - 7: 00 2 – 8: 15 3 – 10: 50 4 – 9: 30 5 – 5: 40 6 – 9: 55 7 – 3: 25 8 – 11: 45 9 – 7: 20 10 – 4: 05 “+” 1; “-” 0
Some interesting information.
Read, complete and act out the dialogue. V.: Excuse me, could you tell me what's the time by your watch now? It seems to me, my watch is slow. A.: Well, it's a quarter past six by my watch. It keeps good time. Look at the clock over there. It keeps exactly the time my watch does. V.: Oh, yes. Thank you very much.
Tell about Bob’s working day. Use the words, expressions and time. Get up – 7: 00; To do the morning exercises – 7: 05; To make one’s bed – 7: 15 To wash one’s face, hands – 7: 20 To dress – 7: 25 To have one’s breakfast – 7: 30 To go to school – 7: 45 To come back home – 13: 00 To have one’s dinner – 13: 30 To have a rest – 14: 00 To do homework 17: 00 To have one’s supper – 18: 00 To read books, watch TV… - 19: 00 To go to bed – 21:00