Ceiling Convertible (MCM-E Series) M(5)CM020~028E(ER) McQuay Air-conditioning are pleased to announce the launching of the latest series of McQuay Ceiling Convertible E Series! Currently, the MCM-E series are available for 50Hz only and these models able to couple with current McQuay condensing units that are using R22 & R410A. 50 HZ NIM R22 R410A
Ceiling Convertible (MCM-E Series) Product Range Model Capacity (Btu/h / kW) MCM20E 19,500 / 5.57 MCM25E 23,500 / 6.88 MCM28E 28,000 / 8.20 This range of ceiling convertible series are available in 3 sizes in both Cooling only and Heat Pump Model. The capacity for the MCM-E Series are ranging from 5.57kW up to 8.2kW.
Ceiling Convertible (MCM-E Series) Features: 1. COMPACT, SLEEK & MODERN AESTHETIC DESIGN - Centrally located LED lights - Round Edge Profile - 1 piece return grille As for the features for the MCM-E series, the model come with a compact, sleek and modern aesthetic outlook. The centrally located indicator lights (LED) enable user to observe the option of the unit from various angle. This model has adopted the round edge profile and 1 piece return grill concept.
Ceiling Convertible (MCM-E Series) 2. Smaller Unit MCM20E MCM20D MCM25E MCM28E MCM30D Height (mm) 218 214 249 Depth (mm) 630 670 Width (mm) 1080 1214 Volume (mm3) 0.148 0.174 0.203 The MCM-E series is also having smaller dimension as compare to the previous MCM-D series. The MCM020~28E are using the same chassis and it has a volumetric reduction of 18% as compare to the previous MCM-D series.
Ceiling Convertible (MCM-E Series) 3. CLEAN AND HEALTHY INDOOR ENVIRONMENT IAQ solution 1: Negative Ion (Standard) - IAQ solution 2: Non Thermal Plasma (NTP) McQuay Air-conditioning emphasis on providing quality air. We are here to provide a better living environment. Therefore, McQuay Air-conditioning has included the IAQ solution of Negative Ion Generator to the MCM-E series as a standard features. The increase of negative ion help to create a refreshing environment which resemble the nature itself. To further improve the air-quality, there is the Non-Thermal Plasma (NTP) option. The triple action of the NTP help to neutralize harmful gases, damage the growth of micro-organism and reduce dust and particles in the breathing air.
Ceiling Convertible (MCM-E Series) 4. CEILING AND FLOOR MOUNTED INSTALLATION The MCM is uniquely designed with the option to install either under ceiling condition or low wall position to suit any interior design requirement.
Ceiling Convertible (MCM-E Series) Better serviceability Drain Pump option (common pump with CK- series) Fresh Air intake knock-out hole The MCM-E series is designed for easy servicing. By just pulling down the intake grill, the washable filter, refrigerant piping and control box can be accessed. Furthermore, fan motor and blower are also easily accessible after removing the drain pan. This new model can be incorporated with the standard drain pump offered by McQuay Air-Conditioning. With this option, it offers flexibility for condenser drain pipe installation. Coming together with the drain pump is the float switch which acts as a safety protection against drain pump failure and drain pipe blockage. The MCM-E series come with the wireless handset G11 as standard. Besides that, there is an optional wired controller Netware III to suit different application. G11 wireless handset & Netware III wired handset
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